Join our family on a Treasure Quest! Are you ever surprised sometimes by how much you’re still “seeking” to know God, understand His will for our lives, “asking” for directions, and “knocking” on His door to get some answers? I sure am! One of the most basic quests in life is trying to figure out […]
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Sweet Mystery
[box type=”info”] I’ve got a SURPRISING TREASURE for you today! I’m in Galveston, Texas with my family on vacation and I’ve asked my sister-friend, Edy, to be our guest blogger! If you’ve followed Surprising Treasures very long, you might have noticed Edy comments on every post! (boy, do I love that 🙂 ) She is […]
Blemished {;} Beauty
The Doctor peered intently at the scars. There were five large, irregular shaped “dents” which blemished Moriah’s otherwise flawless skin. He rehearsed the options. “The scars are too deep for microdermabrasion. The pox marks left from your bout with shingles are too big to cut out. It would necessitate me making a long linear scar down the whole middle of your cheek […]
Not everyone reaches the miracle of CHRISTmas at the same time. [Tweet “”We need to see the #LIGHT- we need an #epiphany.”] Like it or not, from our first breath, we join the human journey of life between the trees. Born into a broken, fearful world, we search for the Light, the Truth, the Way. Some discover Him […]
Decide to “FEAR NOT”!
“Decide what your holidays will look like. Bing.” * * “Bing gives you the power to decide what your holidays will look like. So you can celebrate your way.” * * WOW! The above picture and words are the new Ad campaign by BING. It grabbed my attention! It seems to me, as I observe the fa-la-la-la-la […]
Perception is Everything: Special Needs Acceptance
This is a true story that illustrates the saying- “Perception is Everything”. [Tweet “What will it take to change our perception special needs adults- from tolerance to acceptance?”] “Hi! How are ya?” The loud, booming voice grabbed my attention- and everyone else s while I was at the Dillon’s check-out line in the front of the store. absolutely no response […]
God’s in Control of Even our Detours!
[Tweet “There’s no such thing as a #detour in life when you’re walking with #God.”] Autumn’s Glory begs a Road Trip! Jeff and I plotted a route and planned a previously undiscovered, unexplored destination: Weston, MO. Co-ordinates were plugged into his I-phone for back-up directions. Our main objective for the day: soak up God’s beauty, take lots of pictures, hold hands, and celebrate his […]
Lost and Found! Becoming a Child Again
Birds serenaded us as we walked, hand in hand, through Finley Forest. (thus named by Finley of course 🙂 ) The breeze caused a shower of crabapple blossoms to swirl around us. Finley exclaimed, “Look Nana, God is making the flowers dance for us!” I hummed the old hymn- “This is my Father’s World” as […]
God’s Surprising Treasures
What is Surprising I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. Isaiah 45:3 I used to wonder if God was watching me muck through life. I used to wonder if […]
Diving Deep
Can You Fathom The Mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty? They are higher than the heavens above you! They are deeper than the depths below! Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea! JOB 11:7-9 The Mariana Trench is the deepest point in the […]