For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God. I Peter 1:23 We recently found out that our 16th grandchild is on the way! Moriah and Jonny are expecting their first little one in April 2020. Having never had a sonogram with […]
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God Thinks You’re Fantastic
Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly! Romans 5:8,9 Bethany and I just got home from driving practice. Some days are UH-mazing and others are like today. 🙁 Gotta take the good with the bad and the ugly. 😉 By […]
What’s On Your Mind?
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn around Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear touch the ground Teddy Bear- Teddy Bear WAIT! Why in the world am I singing this song????? LOL. I had just spent the last couple of hours with our 2 year old grandson, Titus. We played and sang, and as it happened, the […]
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength
Bethany recently danced a solo at her Dazzler Dance recital. This marked her 12th and final year dancing with this amazing dance production team. Her song choice was- Nothing is Impossible, by Planet Shakers. Bethany could hardly sleep the night before the recital! Before we prayed, she said, “Mom, God must have had me choose […]
What Places Will You Go, Senior Bethany?
He led them with a cloud by day and with a light of fire all night. Psalm 78:4 How cool would that be- to have a visible Spiritual GPS system? Wouldn’t it be awesome to have no doubt about how to navigate through life with it’s many decisions? If I had visible confirmation if […]
Faith Held the Answer
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21 ESV [Tweet “God’s love is the most powerful change agent in the world. #overcomingevil”] Jeff, Bethany and I reminisced on the drive to the Maple Leaf Festival. Twelves years of marching in the parade with her Dazzler Dance team, would be […]
Tis a Gift to Be Simple
A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life. Proverbs 13:7 The Message The lure of busyness, achievement, wealth and success may call like a moth to a flame, but in my life, simplicity is trending. [Tweet ““Life is really simple, but we insist on […]
Dancing on Mountains- Senior Year- by Moriah Ruth
all photo credit and blog go to Moriah Ruth Barclay Miller :)Click on link to be taken to Moriah’s web site- Moriah Ruth Photography Hi. I’m Moriah- one of Bethany’s sisters. Just wanted to share some special moments with you. The fact that I’m […]
The Adventures of a New Beginning
“In the beginning God …..” Genesis 1:1 God is always in our beginnings- because He is the beginning of all things. And that’s why we can move forward with the new, challenging, and unknown. Each moment in life is ripe with the purposes of God. Our life stories vary as much as […]
My Life Under the Big Tent
Bethany and I were baking pumpkin spice bread the other day. Mmmmm- I wish I could slice you up a warm piece right now and have you join me with a cup of coffee! Utter deliciousness. We were talking about her job and the hard work it takes to make it successful. She […]
Laughter: Best Medicine and Free Therapy
[Tweet “Tweet “Laughter is the best medicine- and free #therapy.””] Did you know laughter burns calories???? Halla! It also increases memory, enhances our immune systems, improves sleep, triggers the release of endorphins (natural pain killers), augments oxygen intake, improves blood pressure, eases digestion, escalates optimism, and it’s great for relationships! WOW- Who […]
Called to Become a DAYMaker
What is a DayMaker? Our definition: DayMaker: a life changer; someone who believes they can make the world better, one person at a time. In reality, everyone is either a DayMaker- or a DayBreaker. Years ago, I read a book by David Wagner, entitled Life as a DayMaker. Something resonated deeply as […]
Small Beginnings Deserve a Big Applause
[Tweet “Small Beginnings lay the foundation for Bigger Adventures. #specialneeds #downsyndrome #opportunity”] Opportunity came knocking and we answered the door! I just love God stories: those life moments where God has orchestrated everything to crescendo into a resounding chord! Let me start at the beginning 🙂 My beautiful friend, Julie, […]
Taking a Break From Life As We Live It
I love my life. Sure, there’s things that drive me up a wall, tear me down, and wear me out- but mostly I live day to day- blessed because I’m learning to lean on God every step of the way. So there was no yearning or wish or dream of my heart that craved […]
I Need a Mental Health Day
“…excel still more, and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet (restful) life…” ~ Thessalonians 4:11 Tummy ache, fever and a call from Sarah, Cohen’s mom and the school nurse propelled me to grab my keys to pick up our grandson, in the middle of the school day. He was pale […]