Beauty is in the eye of…. Our Creator (betcha thought I was going to say beholder 🙂 ) [Tweet “#Beauty is in the eye of the #Creator.”] Besides log throwing, kilt inspecting, bag-piping parades and Highland dancing; face painting was one of the tents we visited at the […]
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The Big 10: Going from Overhelmed to Overcoming
1. Start with THE ONE! The One who is the Creator of all life. The One who has compassion on the weak, helpless, and needy. The One who understands our frame is but dust. The One who has set a plan into motion to redeem and restore His creation back to their full glory. Your child […]
Poppi and the 3K Race
Practically every weather worthy morning, “Poppi” (aka Jeff) “races” 1/2 mile around our block ‘ not in a 3K but WITH 3 K- (3 kids- Bethany, Cohen, and Finley) The grandchildren and Beth think they’re in “training” and love this “race”. ~ “I’m gowin fastah dis time Nana”, Cohen boasts. Finley quickly inserts, “Nana, we’re going with Poppi! […]
Perspective Open the eyes of my heart Lord! I want to see as you see!
Mountains of Perspective
One of my favorite books of all time is by Hannah Hurnard, “Hinds Feet on High Places.” It’s an allegory I can relate to every time I read it. The story is a triumphant tale of a “crippled” girl called Much Afraid, following the Chief Shepherd- Jesus- to the High Places. Her journey is filled […]
Lakes of Laughter
“A merry heart does good like a medicine. But a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 KJV A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength. Proverbs 17:22 NLT A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired. Proverbs 17:22 […]
Sarah & Keith ~ Finley, Cohen & Mari, Sophie & Cadence
I’m Sarah, oldest of Jeff and Cindy’s kids, now in my “30’s” (ewwww!) and mom to hilarious, clever, gorgeous daughter Finley (6) and handsome, silly, brave son, Cohen (4). Hmm- I suppose even after being divorced for a few years, it still feels like there’s a noticeable gap in that “family” opening introduction. God continually […]