s Usually, my joy meter is off the chart in the month of December! l mean, what is better than choosing gifts that will bless others, baking special goodies, writing & reading Christmas letters, reconnecting in small ways around the hope of the world and celebrating Jesus!? a [Tweet “Jesus isn’t found in a #perfect […]
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Repeat the Sounding Joy: Special Needs*
Hey Moms! Have you ever felt a bit like a “town crier”? You know- walking your “beat”, repeatedly ringing your hand bell and proclaiming- “Hear ye, Hear ye, listen up! Here’s the scoop- hey- are you really listening?! a If there was only a way to say it once and for all! 🙂 s If […]
Skipping Xmas ~ Celebrating CHRISTmas
Have you read or watched the movie, Skipping Christmas, by John Grisham? (the book was adapted to the movie- Christmas with the Kranks) Can you relate in any way, shape or form to Luther Krank? He wants to skip Christmas- just for one year. s No stress at the mall, spending money you don’t have, […]
Thanks Giving is a Verb
[Tweet “Daily- we’re compelled to live in an #attitude of #gratitude. #ThanksGiving”] So whatever you’re doing for Thanksgiving- Just remember- thanks giving is a verb! May the Lord Bless You all and keep you – may our thanks giving be as a symphony of Praise! Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; […]
When My Heart is Overwhelmed ~
When my heart is overwhelmed- lead me to the Rock that is higher than I! It wasn’t pretty, but it was loud and earnest; we began singing Psalm 61 and praying as I drove my husband, Jeff, to the Emergency Room Monday night. w My anxiety climbed as I watched Jeff struggle […]
God’s love is BIGGER than divorce
God’s Love is BIGGER than Divorce by Guest Author and daughter- Sarah Barclay Gilliland I was hurriedly unloading the dishwasher when the unmistakable release of air from a stressed-out five year old came from the direction of the dining room. Head down, pencil poised, “This is tricky…” she sighs. I walk over to the table […]
Blooming in the Son!
Thank you Amazing God who cares about the details of our lives! I just have to praise you for Bethany’s educational experiences this year! The administration, teachers, para’s and support at Middle School this year has been bent-over backward accommodating and gracious! And though the “law” says every child with a disability is “entitled” […]
When Wrong Feels Right
What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. Isaiah 5:20– Bible Gateway NLT [Tweet “What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil. #right #wrong”] Good Morning Monday! […]
Triumphant Treasure- great loss-Great Gain
Hello fellow Treasure hunters! I can’t wait for you to read about one of the precious treasures I’ve met in my journey! I first met Mid at FaithWriters- a Christian writing group where I’ve been blessed to meet sooooo many like-minded friends! I was at once drawn into her sparkling spirit! The more I learned […]
Hearing Our Father’s Voice
? Have you ever wished you could hear- I mean with your ears HEAR God’s voice? [Tweet “God was not in the wind, or the earthquake, but in a still small #voice. #prayer “] I’ve never heard God’s audible voice but I’ve prayed I could, many times. I wish we could pick up the […]
Swimming Upstream with the One I Love
Celebrating 33 Years of TREASURE (re-posted on our 36th celebration) To my life song with Jesus- my beloved husband and friend, We go together like: peanut butter & chocolate, like a wink & a smile, like a wave & the ocean, like copy & paste, like melody & harmony, like cookies and milk. ~ Through […]
Sasha’s Song- Sanctuary in Suffering
Someone will always have it “better” than me. Someone will always have it “worse” than me. I’ve learning to keep my hand in Jesus’ No Jesus- know pain- Know Jesus – know pain will be healed Have you ever been blown away by someones testimony? Their joy and faith that doesn’t […]
My Birth Mother’s Choice
My Birth Mother’s Choice [Tweet “How can I ever thank my #birthMom enough, for the #gift of #life? #courage #choice “] Kathleen prayed she wasn’t pregnant. Her heart was filled with hopes and dreams for the future; she was only seventeen, not married, and the year was 1958! (Not a good year to be […]
Your Life Is a Journey~ Not a Competition
John 21:21 “Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind. When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus, “Master, what’s going to happen to him?” Jesus said, “If I want him to live until I come again, what’s that to you? You—follow me.” One of the most liberating truths I’m learning that […]
The Whole World is a Special Needs Population
I blog from a bit of a different perspective when I talk about special needs. I don’t want to try to convince everyone that Bethany is the same as me- or you. I want to illuminate the truth that WE are like HER! [Tweet “We are all #related- God designed- God created- fallen yet will […]