[Tweet “What #treasures will we miss if we don’t choose the road less traveled? #journey #adventure “] “Come on Bethany! Get your shoes and jump in the car. We’re on a mission! Moriah locked her keys in the car and we’re the rescue recovery team!” Excited to help, Beth stuffed her feet into her shoes […]
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Seek to Understand
& Hi- this is Sarah- guest blogging for my mom today. I wanted to share what God is speaking to my heart for 2015! I’m hoping to “Seek To Understand” better this year. To me, seeking to understand someone is usually a first step to loving them- in all their messiness; in all their […]
Learning to Lean on God….for Life
It’s my honor to introduce you to my friend and guest blogger today- David JB Miller. David is the visionary and prolific contributor behind Life Notes– the blog with daily encouragement at www.lifelettercafe.com. Life Notes is an oasis in the internet desert, especially designed to encourage, equip, empower treasure hunters just like you-who are are seeking […]
A Penny in the Hand of God
I’m just a penny in the hand of God. Small, insignificant; not worth very much if compared to treasury bills or precious metals. And that’s okay by me. I like being a humble penny in the hand of God. He can use the most humble of things! As I’ve been studying the Word this week, […]
The Bride, the BrideGroom and THE Wedding
[Tweet “All #romance is #sacred; for it flows from God’s heart to His people.”] December 21st, 2014, we celebrated as our son, Joshua, took Amanda to be his lawful wife, and we gained a wonderful, new daughter-in-love. In the age old mystery, the Lord began the work of making two become one. Notice Josh’s […]
The Countdown to Shalom
The countdown to Shalom. In the book Not the Way It’s Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin, author Cornelius Plantinga described the Old Testament concept of shalom: f The webbing together of God, humans, and all creation in justice, fulfillment, and delight is what the Hebrew prophets call shalom. We call it peace but […]
O Come- join a Heavenly Christmas
If we, being imperfect and fallen, flawed and broken, dim of soul and spiritual eye If we know in paltry part, how to celebrate and worship the Christ Child and His coming How much more- does Heaven adore the Living Word, wrapped in flesh, Stepping down to make His home with us? Emmanuel- God is […]
Are You Having a White CHRISTmas?
I’m……. praying for a WHITE CHRISTmas Not for the beauty of frozen snowflakes transforming the earth- rather, I’m praying God’s glorious blanket of white righteousness covers our messy, dirty, broken lives. Jeff and I grew up in the same little town in Illinois. The candlelight service at midnight on Christmas Eve is one of our […]
Having a Merry/Mary Christmas?
Are you having a “Merry Christmas” or a Mary Christmas? I’ve been thinking about that first Christmas and all that led up to beautiful, troubling, not so silent night. s Mary had only a promise from God that He was doing something supernatural in and through her. a Her circumstances told a different story. s […]
5 Tips to Take Your Holidays to HOLYdays
The Holidays are upon us and I have a secret I’d love to share. 🙂 I’m turning my holiday celebration into Holyday Rejoicing! [Tweet “Turn your #holiday into #holydays- #rejoice #CHRISTmas #JOY”] We lost something precious when our word “holy days” became diluted to “holiday”! It has become effectually assimilated into our culture as […]
Fear Not! He is the- Glorious Impossible
Nothing is impossible with God! IF God is God – why do people struggle with a virgin birth, angelic visitors, a star guiding wise men? If God is God- then everything is possible. God- King of all Kings, Creator, Savior, Redeemer- stepped into an impossible situation- s His creation chose to break the rule. Mankind […]
The Secret of “Blessings Flow”
[Tweet “Want Blessings? Go to God’s fountain and let blessings flow from Him- to us- to others.”] Blessings don’t come as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They come with knowing we are in God’s care with every breath we take. When I was little, I used to sing the […]
FEAR NOT! Shine Bright this Christmas
[Tweet “”You are the #light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. “] [Tweet “And the darkness cannot overcome the Light. #shine #Glory”] After searching five different stores, I was still unsuccessful finding a large outdoor star to shine over our Nativity scene. I finally began asking. “Don’t you have […]
God Wants You To Know the Answers
On the daily circus of picking up kids from school and taking them to assorted places, I drove from elementary and middle schools, to finally arrive at the high school to pick up Spencer. He’s been recovering from a broken collar bone so he’s missed some days for surgery and recovery. 🙁 I asked him […]
Unlock the Attitude of Gratitude
I found this great quote above by Melody Beattie on Pinterest! [Tweet “Want a #happy life? Practice #gratefulness!”] “Mo-om!” (try to envision our sweet Bethany with a mopey, pathetic, whiny voice striving to bring sympathy to her plight 😉 ) “Do I HAVE to go to school tomorrow????” sigh “No, Bethany. You GET to […]