[Tweet “We make a living by what we get- we make a life by what we #give. #CHRISTmas”] I love to give gifts- but that silly money thing gets in the way so many times. $$$$ Sometimes I indulge in dreaming what I could do with a lottery win. (of course you have to […]
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31 Free Priceless Gifts for Christmas and Beyond (part 1)
The Bible- and experience- teaches us it truly is more blessed to give than receive. I’ve found giving the “best” gifts DO NOT require money. Rather, the price of giving – the dearest cost- is counted and measured by “sacrifice of self”. Here are 31 free, but priceless gifts I’ve discovered I can […]
His Law is Love and His Gospel is Peace
[Tweet “For a #child is born to us, a Son is given. The #government will rest on His shoulders. #CHRISTmas”] We were singing “O Holy Night”. Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother; And […]
CHRISTmas Whispers
A great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came […]
Advent Adventures- Preparing Him Room
Advent – latin- Adventus – Greek word- parousia- ~ meaning COMING! Are you ready to embark on one of the greatest Treasure Hunts ever? ADVENT IS THE ADVENTURE OF CELEBRATING HIS FIRST COMING AND ANTICIPATING and LONGING FOR HIS SECOND! [Tweet “We ready our hearts to #celebrate His 1st Coming and long for His 2nd […]
O Come- join a Heavenly Christmas
If we, being imperfect and fallen, flawed and broken, dim of soul and spiritual eye If we know in paltry part, how to celebrate and worship the Christ Child and His coming How much more- does Heaven adore the Living Word, wrapped in flesh, Stepping down to make His home with us? Emmanuel- God is […]
Having a Merry/Mary Christmas?
Are you having a “Merry Christmas” or a Mary Christmas? I’ve been thinking about that first Christmas and all that led up to beautiful, troubling, not so silent night. s Mary had only a promise from God that He was doing something supernatural in and through her. a Her circumstances told a different story. s […]
5 Tips to Take Your Holidays to HOLYdays
The Holidays are upon us and I have a secret I’d love to share. 🙂 I’m turning my holiday celebration into Holyday Rejoicing! [Tweet “Turn your #holiday into #holydays- #rejoice #CHRISTmas #JOY”] We lost something precious when our word “holy days” became diluted to “holiday”! It has become effectually assimilated into our culture as […]
Fear Not! He is the- Glorious Impossible
Nothing is impossible with God! IF God is God – why do people struggle with a virgin birth, angelic visitors, a star guiding wise men? If God is God- then everything is possible. God- King of all Kings, Creator, Savior, Redeemer- stepped into an impossible situation- s His creation chose to break the rule. Mankind […]
FEAR NOT! Shine Bright this Christmas
[Tweet “”You are the #light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. “] [Tweet “And the darkness cannot overcome the Light. #shine #Glory”] After searching five different stores, I was still unsuccessful finding a large outdoor star to shine over our Nativity scene. I finally began asking. “Don’t you have […]
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year- It’s not because of Hallmark Specials, gifts, feasting, or family get-together s (though that’s an added bonus 🙂 ) It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year because we pause …….. from the craziness of life to contemplate the wonder of His coming. I treasure this season […]
Unwrapping Christmas Presence- Presents!
d I tailor make a lot of Bethany’s reading books because there are some very specific things I want her to know. The first book I made was a catechism of sorts titled “Who is God?” It asks questions and then gives simple answers. ie- Who is God? God is my Creator! Who is God? God […]
CHRISTmas Magic
* * M *Miraculous * A Arrival * * G * God * * I * Incarnate* C * Celebrate * [Tweet “The #magic of #CHRISTmas is in His #presence- #gloria #InExcelsisDeo”] As C. S. Lewis so eloquently […]
FEAR NOT 365- not just a Christmas Message
In the movie, “Facing the Giants”, we’re told there are 365 scriptures urging us to “Fear Not”– that’s 1 for every day of the year! But I can’t help wishing we could wake up each morning and audibly hear His voice, saying- “FEAR NOT. I’ve got everything under control.” As I’m sinking my roots down […]
The Whole “out of control” World Needs a “Stable” Influence
s Usually, my joy meter is off the chart in the month of December! l mean, what is better than choosing gifts that will bless others, baking special goodies, writing & reading Christmas letters, reconnecting in small ways around the hope of the world and celebrating Jesus!? a [Tweet “Jesus isn’t found in a #perfect […]