“You are the light of the world–like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 Our baby- the youngest of 7- blew out 16 candles last month! what? Yep- Bethany is Sweet 16….. In March, I’d thrown a big dance party for my Dad’s 90th birthday and Bethany was enraptured. […]
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Down Syndrome, Disabilities; Finding Dory- Finding Home
Jeff, Bethany, and I settled in our seats, with a mega bucket of popcorn and drinks, escaping the heat of the day to enjoy the newly released movie- FINDING DORY. (sequel to Finding Nemo) Warning- Total Spoiler- Don’t read if you don’t want to know 🙂 Finding Nemo was BB (Before Bethany 😉 […]
Warrior Dad- Fierce Love
The LORD marches out like a warrior; He stirs up His rage like a man of war; He makes His anger heard; He shouts aloud; he declares His mastery over His enemies: Isaiah 42:13 Our culture soft pedals the fierce, warrior love of God. Ummm- hello- to be a good God- He has to defeat […]
Just How Big is Your God?
I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for Me? Jeremiah 32:27 We recently celebrated our 36th anniversary! We had such a lovely time in Kansas City- 24 hours of much needed get away to just enjoy one another. Looking at our pictures- you would think we’re worry free- […]
How to Live in a Bi-Polar World
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” ~Charles Dickens If that doesn’t describe the paradox of life- I don’t know what does. The rhythm of this life is bi-polar. The beat is booming and the tempo erratic. [Tweet “Don’t panic. I AM with you. I will #help you and […]
I Met God When He Was Making Me
[Tweet ” I knew you before I made you in your mother’s womb. #FatherGod Jeremiah 1:5″] Meet our son, Noah, his wife, Sarah, Silas (4), Nehemiah (2), and Johannah Our grandsons, Silas (4) and Nehemiah (2) came over to play at our house. “Nana! Can we play church? I’ll be the preacher […]
Family, Fun, and a Furry Friend
If you remember my “Dating, Down Syndrome, and Dreams” post- I started praying about what were some things we can do to ANCHOR Bethany’s life to “enjoying the now.” [Tweet “God knew we’d need fun and friendship in a warm, cuddly package- #puppies were His answer. “] One of the surprising possibilities that […]
Poster Children For the Kingdom of Heaven
That was the headline I saw in a Christian magazine. Can Someone with an Intellectual Disability know God and be Saved? My answer: DUH! If God has perfected His praise from the mouth of babies and nursing infants- then He certainly can reveal His love and goodness to anyone and everyone He created! But […]
Inside Out- Insights from the Heart #downsyndrome
[Tweet “Want an honest, simple, love-filled insight about life?- ask someone with #downsyndrome. “] The birds were singing, the sun was shining, the air was crisp and cool. Bethany and I swung clasped hands as we walked. “Mom. I’ve been thinking.” Laughing I said, “I love your thinking! What have you been thinking, […]
After Friday Comes SONday- #Hope
I made the picture below, my FB profile picture because it shouts HOPE! LIFE may be killing us now but there is GLORY and JOY and REDEMPTION beyond our imagination! Jesus is undoing death and it’s sting. Jesus is overcoming darkness with light! Jesus won’t stop unfolding His Father’s Kingdom until the last enemy […]
Sometimes Miracles Hide
[Tweet “Open our eyes and hearts to see, Your infinite #miracles of grace. #GodsLove “] Many times I’ve prayed for a supernatural intervention from God. A Miracle. I’ve poured my heart out in prayer, believed with all my heart that my Awesome God can do anything. Confusion and pain gutted my soul as […]
How to Celebrate Easter With Childlike Wonder
At that time Jesus prayed this prayer: “O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Matthew 11:25 NLT When Bethany was born, I wondered how much she would be able to learn or understand. I […]
To Do or To Be?- Maybe That’s the Real Question
Even though I lose my lists of “things to do” I love making them! Especially sweet is crossing off things as done! ta da! 🙂 On the down side, those lists keep needing to be written- some things don’t get crossed off and get put to the top for the next day. 🙁 […]
Down Syndrome: Dating, Dreams and Desires
[Tweet “Need #wisdom? #Ask God, who gives generously to ALL without finding fault. James 1:5”] Parenting- the never ending adventure 🙂 Breathe Cindy, Breathe- after all you have raised 5 other teenagers and survived- ummm I mean thrived. 😉 I know God holds ALL the answers to our problems but sometimes I wish I […]
God is Our StormChaser
[Tweet “God is not a God of #chaos or disorder- He is #Peace!“] I Cor. 14:33 I woke up at 4:00 this morning 🙂 My mind was wide awake and already churning out plans for the next 3 months. I’m planning my Dad’s 90th Birthday Shebang, creating a memory slide show for it, planning Bethany’s […]