[box type=”info”] “I so excited. I’m going to 5th grade…then 6th grade, then 7th grade, then 8th grade! Then can I drive a car?” quote by Bethany Barclay 11 years old & absolutely serious[/box] As the school year winds down, next year is already being ANTICIPATED!!! This has been an incredible year of CHANGE for Bethany […]
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Momma- Who is God? a bedtime quest*
Momma- Who is God? A Bedtime Quest….. Tucking Beth in bed last night I kissed and hugged her very tight. Joining hands, we began to pray Grateful for our awesome day! Suddenly Beth popped up in bed, smiled at me and then she said, “BUT Momma, Who is God? Thinking hard of all I knew How […]
Bella & Beth’s Reading Adventure
“Bella! Bella! Babe, look me. What this word say?” Bethany’s patient, but firm teacher voice commanded Bella’s attention. Bella’s almond eyes crinkled shut as she smiled and shouted, “Mommy!” ~ About two years ago, I met a lovely lady named Patricia. Previously a dance teacher, she had put everything aside to become a stay at home grandma and help raise her […]
God Out Performs Google ~ Ranked #1
This is the True Story of how Bethany, discovers God out ranks Google in every way! * “MOM! How you spell tummy?” * “t- u- mm- wait! why do you need to know?” * “I need to know so I can finish.” * Finish what?” * “Finish gettin ready to get me my baby!!!” By […]
We’re going to Celebrate!!!
We were stunned! It was finally over! VICTORY had come! We had WON?! You could hear the town erupt in celebration; horns honking, people shouting, fireworks exploding. We were compelled by an unseen force to jump into the convertible and drive through the streets and join the revelry! It was mayhem on the roads. Bumper […]
Are All “Men” Created Equal? Inclusion & the World of Disabilities
Though our constitution truthfully states that all “men” are created equal, the reality in this fallen world is: “All” are not equally endowed. As a mom, I try to be an “equalizer”. You know, keep everything fair and more-or-less-the same. I find it’s a formidable, if not impossible task when dealing with something abstractly complicated such as “intelligence”. e […]
New Things- Letting Go of the Familiar
Ahhhh! Spring Break! Methinks it should be a mandatory holiday week for everyone! 🙂 I’ve reveled in my “new” routine- no babysitting, no homeschooling, no agendas, no lengthy to do lists. On the positive side- enjoying my family more, a mini-vacation, visiting a museum & a zoo, a more leisurely pace, 3 books devoured, 2 movies enjoyed, rejoicing as […]
Simple Glory
“OK, Bethany! Can you read all these vocabulary words and use them in a sentence? “Sure, Mommy!” Beth was doing a great job until we got to a very “simple” word. It was the word- brag. Bethany read it and stared blankly at me. “Can you use it in a sentence? It means to […]
Valentine Daze
“I so excited!!! I love Mrs. T____. I love Mrs. N_______ I love Chandler and Shaiyanna- they’re so sweet. Adelle is my best friend. I love her! Myka and Nola are really nice to me. I give all cards to everyone. I love all mommy!! Ohhhh- They going to love my valentines. I love all […]
Einstein Syndrome: What is a Special Needs Genius?
I’m so thankful for people like Miriam! She traveled the road of downs syndrome 6 years before I did and has left some amazing encouragements and spiritual insights! She inspires me to do the same. Recently, the singer, Aaron Schust and his wife have given birth to a son with downs syndrome. Since I’m further along in our […]
Down Syndrome, Hugs, and Love
Hugs! We all need them! Family therapist, Virginia Satir, has said, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day to thrive.” [Tweet “Hugs: we need 4 daily to #survive- 12 for #thriving. #hugs”] So how do I […]
in “Dependence” Part 2
Read Part 1 if you missed it by clicking here Last night we had family dinner. Bethany was revelling in the presence of her siblings. She then decided I had made brownies because it was Micah’s birthday. This set a CIRCUS into motion Micah’s thanking her, candles are coming out, Jeff and I are trying […]
“in” Dependence & Special Needs part 1
Parenting your special needs child is challenging- as they enter their era of Independence!
Letting Go of FEAR
EPIPHANY FOR THE YEAR 2012 🙂 Our FORTY Fabulous days of Fear Not are finishing. Someday, when I have time LOL, I’ll have to go through the Bible and find all 365 FEAR NOT verses! He must think that it’s pretty important or He wouldn’t say it so many times! 🙂 The New Year is still […]
Not everyone reaches the miracle of CHRISTmas at the same time. [Tweet “”We need to see the #LIGHT- we need an #epiphany.”] Like it or not, from our first breath, we join the human journey of life between the trees. Born into a broken, fearful world, we search for the Light, the Truth, the Way. Some discover Him […]