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The lesson of the sunflower: The head of the sunflower faithfully follows the course of the sun across our sky- from east to west, every day of its existence! How much more should we, as followers of the Son- set our heart to follow His comings and goings, from morning til night- every day of […]
The Serenity Prayer in Entirety God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. (Although known most widely in its abbreviated form above, the entire prayer reads as follows…) Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at […]
Oh Worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness!
Perspective Open the eyes of my heart Lord! I want to see as you see!
“New Life”
NEW LIFE Life springs up, pushes through, reaches and stretches to new places!
We were on Family vacation in Colorado Springs and we were sneaking up to gaze and photograph a herd of big horn sheep. I turned to say something to Moriah, and she was down on her knees, taking pictures of a bent over sunflower. I wondered what she “saw” in a flower basically past its […]
My Dad loves to tell a story when he was a little boy, people hung their laundry outside on a clothesline to dry. Everyone would help bring in the sheets and clothes. At Thanksgiving time, he was surprised to hear them singing a Thanksgiving hymn that talked about just that! Now he knows the words are […]
This picture reminds me of going to my Grandma’s house! I loved getting her old watering can out, pumping water from the now obsolete water pumps, and watering her flowers; hollyhocks, lily of the valley, gladolias, peonies…. Those times remind me of Simpler days.
Mercy Dewdrops
Like diamonds sparkling on the grass in the morning- such are the mercies and goodness of our God!