Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear turn around Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear touch the ground Teddy Bear- Teddy Bear WAIT! Why in the world am I singing this song????? LOL. I had just spent the last couple of hours with our 2 year old grandson, Titus. We played and sang, and as it happened, the […]
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- Best of Bethany
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Gives Me Strength
Bethany recently danced a solo at her Dazzler Dance recital. This marked her 12th and final year dancing with this amazing dance production team. Her song choice was- Nothing is Impossible, by Planet Shakers. Bethany could hardly sleep the night before the recital! Before we prayed, she said, “Mom, God must have had me choose […]
Why Do Hard Things?
The race is not always won by the swiftest, the battle is not always won by the strongest; …..nor does success always come to those with the most intelligence….. Ecclesiastes 9:11 NET [Tweet “You’ll never know what you can do until you try, try again. #downsyndrome #perseverance”] In the “old days” (1970 and before!) […]
Sparkle Your World- 16 Candles
“You are the light of the world–like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 Our baby- the youngest of 7- blew out 16 candles last month! what? Yep- Bethany is Sweet 16….. In March, I’d thrown a big dance party for my Dad’s 90th birthday and Bethany was enraptured. […]
Inside Out- Insights from the Heart #downsyndrome
[Tweet “Want an honest, simple, love-filled insight about life?- ask someone with #downsyndrome. “] The birds were singing, the sun was shining, the air was crisp and cool. Bethany and I swung clasped hands as we walked. “Mom. I’ve been thinking.” Laughing I said, “I love your thinking! What have you been thinking, […]
Down Syndrome: Dating, Dreams and Desires
[Tweet “Need #wisdom? #Ask God, who gives generously to ALL without finding fault. James 1:5”] Parenting- the never ending adventure 🙂 Breathe Cindy, Breathe- after all you have raised 5 other teenagers and survived- ummm I mean thrived. 😉 I know God holds ALL the answers to our problems but sometimes I wish I […]
Inclusion is Belonging; a Circle and Respect
Honor all people. Love everyone. I Peter 2:17 (this is a re-worked article that was originally posted @SnappinMinistries- Blogger) Wouldn’t it be amazing if all people grabbed hold of this verse and lived it out on a daily basis? s [Tweet “Honor all #people. Love everyone. I Peter 2:17”] s As a parent of […]
For the Love of the Babies- by Bethany
Bethany loves. Bethany especially loves babies. And that’s an understatement. Life is simple for Bethany. Her mantra: If we love everyone, everything will be all right. Bethany recently turned 15. We’ve dreamed of God using her to become an advocate for down syndrome and for LIFE. Because of prenatal testing, fear mongering, and […]
15 Candles: Shining Bright
[Tweet “Be #intentional! #Celebrate every #good #gift! #thankfulness”] 15 Candles – Shining Bright Bethany’s birthday is a mysterious conundrum. July 23rd is forever intertwined in my head and heart with Bethany’s sister, our 2nd daughter, Kristin Faith. * Kristin and Bethany share birthdays- July 23rd- separated by 17 years. Though they share birthdays, they’ll never […]
Dancing With Our Father God
“I want Daddy to stay home from work. I want to be with him all times.” If Bethie has said this once, she’s said it at least 50 times the last 2 weeks. ~ She’s her Daddy’s girl. He’s been quite busy lately and she’s quite determined (you could say obsessed) about having fun […]
Treasures of The Road Less Traveled
[Tweet “What #treasures will we miss if we don’t choose the road less traveled? #journey #adventure “] “Come on Bethany! Get your shoes and jump in the car. We’re on a mission! Moriah locked her keys in the car and we’re the rescue recovery team!” Excited to help, Beth stuffed her feet into her shoes […]
Growing Up Down Syndrome- Ready or Not
Growing Up Down Syndrome, ready or not, here it comes. It’s never far from my mind that special needs present special challenges.
The Mystery of God’s Good Plans
Do you ever wonder if God is really in control of it all? Does everything happen for His reasons? Is life just random chances or is God lovingly in charge of it all? God’s Goal for Us: [Tweet “#God wants you to be so convinced of His #goodness, that nothing can shake your trust in […]
Unwrapping Christmas Presence- Presents!
d I tailor make a lot of Bethany’s reading books because there are some very specific things I want her to know. The first book I made was a catechism of sorts titled “Who is God?” It asks questions and then gives simple answers. ie- Who is God? God is my Creator! Who is God? God […]
Bethy Wants a Fiance’
If you didn’t catch my post about our daughter, Moriah, becoming engaged, you’ll want to click here to read their sweet story. It’s so – sigh- romantic! ♥ But as happens with life, one story has many back stories. There is no such thing in life as clear cut or one dimensional. Millions of […]