Snap! Flash! Peek-a-boo! Trying to get all the children and babies to look at the camera was hilarious! Celebrating “Grandma Barclay’s” birthday today, we took gathered all of her great-grandchildren around her as cameras immortalized the moment. 6 great grandchildren and two more to join us next May! We sat and talked while babies were oohed & ahhhhed over, held, cuddled, diapered. We were surrounded by wealth.
I asked the kids
” Would you be embarrassed if I started wearing a tiara? I’d really like everyone to know I’m a GRANDparent!
I know its Biblical 🙂 Prov. 17:6 tells us “Grandchildren are the crown and glory of the aged.” Ok – I don’t like the aged part but I will embrace wholeheartedly the Crown and Glory part! In fact, I think every GRAND parent should get to wear a crown! Perhaps with individual pics and jewels, strategically placed, for all to gaze upon.
Crowns were originally a sign of authority, a symbol of honor that the one who wore the crown was “worthy to rule with wisdom and justness.” I feel like we’ve somehow, graduated- from “Parenting 101” for the last 25 years, to be delightfully transported to somewhere “over the rainbow” in the technicolor world of Grand-parenting.
[Tweet “Having weathered the #challenges of #parenting- #Grandparents offer #perspective #love #wisdom.”]
Reigning and Ruling Grandparents have been in the trenches of parenting- they can now dispense wisdom, perspective, and a lot of unconditional love!
Thus, my desire to start a new cultural statement: All Grandparents should begin wearing crowns and tiaras. Come on, admit it- it sounds kinda fun- if everybody did it and you weren’t the only one feeling weird.
God must really be “into” crowns. He, of course, is the King of Kings and wears the Holy Diadem that all who gaze upon Him fall to their knees in worship. But God also gives us crowns. I don’t know why but just look up that word crown in a Bible dictionary and you’ll be surprised. “He crowns us with loving kindness” and to “those who overcome, they will be given a crown of life.” Hebrews 2:9 tells us God has crowned us with Glory and Honor and II Timothy says when Jesus appears, those who love Him will be given a Crown of Righteousness. Interestingly enough- Paul refers to his “children”, his converts” as his Crowning Glory!
I probably won’t start wearing a tiara- but I want to. 🙂 Not to show off- not to be prideful- but to display in a visible way, His glory and blessings- to be a witness that our children and grandchildren are the true wealth in this life and the one to come. That children and grandchildren are more valuable than homes, vacations, cars, or all the money in the world. Children and grandchildren are the legacy and inheritance from God!
[Tweet “Treasure your #children, #grandchildren- they are your #inheritance and #legacy”]
Pics like that are kind of like herding cats… But what a delightful time, everytime, everyone, is over. God has been so faithful!
He has crowned us, indeed! 🙂
I love this! What a GRAND idea – I think I shall look into finding a crown brooch where we can select the stones to match the birth months of all our grandbabies! You are so full of great ideas, Cindy – Thanks! 🙂
I remember BOTH my grandmas had those kind of pins!! I wonder if they still make them? That would be really cool- I wouldn’t have to be pretentious! LOL hugs
I’m wearing one in my heart. It’s the attitude of gratitude that shines like a crown. They really are a treasure. thanks for sharing so many photos of your family. I love it.
When I see your pic on FB- I see that SHINING smile! Hugs Debbie!