If you put on the right filtered glasses tomorrow night (31st), you could literally see a blue moon. Most of us will be content to gaze with our naked eye and see a typical, white, full moon. But no matter the color- tomorrow’s moon will be the 2nd full moon in this month- thereby gaining the title, “Blue Moon”.
This means there will be 13 full moons this year instead of 12. The phrase, “once in a Blue Moon” was coined by James Hugh Pruitt in the Farmer’s Almanac, because they occur so infrequently. In fact, the next one won’t happen until July of 2015.
God teaches me so many things through His creation; the seasons of planting, sowing, reaping and slumber, the stars whose light travels to us from God’s hand, seeds that hold unending potential life, trees with their root system anchoring and supplying nourishment, how God created His creation to adapt and even thrive in harsh environments,….
Everywhere there is a hidden nugget to be found and contemplated. Lately, I find myself in a “season” that perplexes me as I search for the treasure I’m sure He’s hidden here for me. I’ve been dealing with health issues that quite honestly, leave me exhausted and unable to accomplish everything I want/need/desire to achieve. 🙁
As I was contemplating the beauty of the moon, I believe the Lord whispered this to my spirit.
“Cindy, you can’t be a “full moon” all the time. The moon is only full once a month and the other days its waxing or waning. Whatever stage you’re in- JUST KEEP REFLECTING THE LIGHT!”
[Tweet “Our lives are constantly waxing and waning- There’s only one #Constant #GreatGod”]
Contentment and peace filled me! It’s difficult as you’re growing older to accept different seasons in your life- it’s difficult at any age to understand limitations, be they physical, environmental, or material. While there are steps we can take to overcome some of these difficulties, not every situation is remedied quickly- or maybe, sometimes, not at all.
I marvel at Joni Erikson Tada who is a paraplegic due to a diving accident. So limited physically, yet she is a brilliant author, amazing artist, and runs a world wide ministry for the disabled! She is a “full moon” – reflecting the light of Jesus in the darkness of this world. But she is not a “full moon” every day. There are days she is in pain, days she has to rest, times when she has to re-evaluate her life and accommodate for her limitations.
[Tweet “We can #rest in God’s unlimited #resources for our #limited life.”]
I’m learning that its ok to experience the “waxing and waning stages”.
The moon is still reflecting the light of the sun- and through no fault or design of her own, she dances to a monthly rhythm of “waxing” to “fullness” to “waning”. It does not change who she is- she is still the moon.
The moon reflects the light to the fullness of her ability. I’m learning to accept the rhythm of life– to stay in my “orbit” so I may fully reflect the light of the Son and live to glorify the Light Giver no matter what stage of fullness I’m in. The thought even occurred to me that if we were to be “full moons” all the time, perhaps we would draw more attention to ourselves instead of reflecting His glory. We are weak- He is strong. He is the Light- we are the mere reflection.
[Tweet “Dance to the #rhythm of Life given by the #LifeGiver #GreatGod”]
What I want to encourage you with today is this: We should embrace the day with whatever fullness we have! And when we’re fortunate enough to have a Blue Moon (two full moons in one month) celebrate His goodness with double strength.
Surprising Treasures: II Corinthians 3:16-18 says “But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
Honey, that post will preach! It ought to relieve the pressure and condemnation that many of Jesus’ followers (me) put upon themselves. There are seasons in our walk of service with Jesus. The goal is to keep ourselves in the best position to reflect all the Light we can- but taking comfort that the positions life puts us in means that reflection will go through phases and change. The good thing- the Light never changes and even though we may not always see the moon’s full reflection, somewhere in our solar system it is always a full moon… and I think the same is true with those who bare God’s image!
Absolutely LOVE- “the good thing- the Light never changes- and even though we may not always see the moon’s full reflection, somewhere in our solar system, it is always a full moon!” wow
Another gem for me to share on facebook, Cindy! What a great insight – I wish I’d realized it earlier in life (sometimes we’re our own worst “slave drivers”)! But, the Lord knows when the season is right for us to discover another of His surprising treasures. Thank you, my dear sister-friend. I’m praying your health issue is nothing serious, but just a reminder to “Come away and rest awhile!” Hugs!
Thanks Edy- some lessons are so hard for me to learn- but when God gives me several “visuals” that make sense to me- that helps me make the connection 🙂 I’ve got some big life style changes ahead of me but God is going to help me 🙂 thanks for the prayers 🙂