[Tweet “Do you have to lose your life to find it?”]
Some of my childhood memories of family nights, consisting watching a 19 in black and white TV with only 4 channels!
We didn’t know what we were missing because it was “normal” for that day.
Incredible advancements of technology have ushered us into a new era of TV. (although I think there were better shows on 4 channels than there are available with 250 channels! LOL)
TV now offers HD- high definition and 3D- three dimensional viewing- on a flat screen! This is our new “normal”.
I’d like to think our present, “normal life” is much like living in the black and white TV- flat- non dimensional mode. We don’t know what we’re missing because it’s normal. It’s what we’ve experienced.
Our future life with God is going to be an unbelievable, unimaginable upgrade! Full color spectrum, surround sound, 3 dimensional and definitely HD- HIGH Definition!
[Tweet “This #life is only a #shadow of what we’ll experience in God’s #glorious reality. #spiritualHD”]
Since the fall of mankind- the departure from God ‘s glorious design, we’ve “fallen” to a shallow, black and white existence while living in the physical world around us.
We’re woefully unaware of the spiritual world swirling with activity and purpose all around!
God is offering High Definition and Three Dimension Sight to those who want to see more clearly- enjoy the glorious details in full Technicolor! (John 10:10) And you don’t have to wear weird glasses to see it- you simply read His word- and walah! you see HD- EP~ (high definition eternal perspective)
Eternal Perspective makes you see things differently- to think differently- to act differently! You begin to “see” that Jesus really is more precious than silver and the “good life” isn’t really the American Dream.
To find our REAL life, we have to die to self! Then we are free to discover His abundant life- that REAL life that’s hidden in Christ.
[Tweet “Set your sights on the #realities of #heaven- 4 your real life is #hidden in #Christ.”]
I remember once, when Bethany was about five, I was overwhelmed with the enormity of the task that lay ahead of me.
It hit me like a sledge hammer that Beth didn’t just “pick up” information like all my other children had, but had to be taught one concept at a time, spell one word at a time, memorize one math fact at a time, be shown one safety concept at a time- and not only that- but each new “concept” had to be taught repeatedly until she could get it from her short term memory to her long term memory.
Self- focused, I began to feel sorry for myself. I remember quite grouchily questioning God:
“Is my whole life going to revolve around teaching Bethany everything for the rest of my life?
Do you hear my whine and self-pity? My limited perspective of God’s plans and providence? 🙂
Surprisingly, I heard His answer that stunned me and then actually made me laugh.
“Cindy, what better thing did you have in mind to do with your life?”
Oh, how easily I can get caught up in the carnal perspective of what is “successful” and “worthy” of my time.
Indeed! What better thing do I have to do than to have the honor to teach my children to know God and walk in His ways, to give them the skills they need to be a giver of God’s love to this world? Isn’t that why I sing and what I desire to do- “I surrender all” and “Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee”?
I am losing my life, only to truly find it!
I still don’t wear my 3D glasses all the time. I still “see” life as flat, non-dimensional as my childhood black and white TV. But I know one thing, since I’ve begun to “see” life in HD- with 3D glasses that let me see from an Eternal Perspective, I long to see life like that all the time!
Surprising Treasure: “Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.” Colossians 3:1-4
Bethany has a great life. Many friends. Fantastic family. She knows Jesus and loves the Lord and His image-bearers. But her “differentness” from her peers is becoming more and more noticeable. Without an EP I must admit it would be saddening… Yesterday our granddaughter Finely commented that she was amazed that Bethany still couldn’t ride a bike, but that she could. Finley is in first grade. Beth is in fifth. Beth doesn’t seem to be as troubled by that as I am. 🙂 I do hope that Bethany learns to ride a bike in this life. But if she doesn’t, I will be fine. I do know this, if there are bikes in heaven, Bethany and I will ride together all over heaven!
Every breath we take, we’re closer to the finish line 🙂 We’re gonna keep on running and praising and encouraging one another! hugs
Isn’t it wonderful to hear the Lord’s answer to our heart’s cry, just what and when we need to hear it? And, the insight and change in direction it gives! Such an experience becomes an exciting message we can relay to others, to encourage more folks in the faithfulness of Jesus, the only One who has all the answers. I love it! Thanks for telling us about your heavenly message to treasure – I sure know what you mean!
I love those insights and upgrades! He is the Answer! Love you Edy!