July 23rd- Bethany’s 12th Birthday!
After 364 days of telling everyone- “Today is my Birthday!”
– she finally could say it truthfully!
She awoke with a giggle and a shout, “Happy Birthday Bethany!” she sang out. “Mommy, aren’t you glad it my birthday? I am.”
She then proceeded to inform everyone how happy she was that it was her birthday!
We have crammed so much celebrating into one day with friends, family, food, and games, that I’m exhausted. Right after dinner at Jason’s Deli, Bethany smiled, “Mommy, can tomorrow be my birthday too?”
LOL- NO- however, we are going to have to find time to have our traditional family birthday dinner (some of the fam is sick so you can’t celebrate without everyone :))
It’s “cute” how Bethany celebrates life- maybe niave and innocent. It takes so little to make her happy! I started wondering – do I celebrate my life fully? Recently I saw a this picture with the caption- 99% of all people with downs syndrome are happy with their lives. I wonder what the percentage would be if the “typical” population was polled
It begs the question- Why is the medical profession so intent on bringing the birth rate of children with downs syndrome down to 0 births? Is their life really that bad?
They don’t think so- and neither do I! CELEBRATE ALL LIFE! Happy Birthday Bethany- I’m so glad you were born- what a treasure I would have missed!
If only the whole world could know how much we need the Bethanys to teach us how to really “Rejoice in the Lord, always, and again I say, Rejoice!” Now, she can look forward to celebrating her birthday week, birthday month, and then a whole bunch of “happy Unbirthday” days! 🙂 Oodles of love from me to all of you!
She really does know how to celebrate! 🙂 I’m telling you- she’s got plans! Tonight- dinner out with Micah and Adrienne! 🙂 Dance Camp and Church Camp coming up and then our family Birthday Party this weekend. hugs and loves
while this news might impress some, maybe others it won’t. Part of Bethany’s day was bowling at the KU Student Union. Something we do quite often. We’re good friends with the manager. Workers always deliver Bethany’s and her friends their nachos and soda. At any rate Elijah Johnson walks up to Bethany with a bowling pin. He autographs it. Gives it to Bethany and says “Happy Birthday Bethany!” Spencer, one of Bethany’s jock friends, was in awe. Cindy asks, “Who is he?” Moriah says, “I guess he is famous or something?” Answers to questions. He plays on KU’s basketball team. Famous to Jayhawk fans to be sure. Probably go in an early round in the NBA draft next year. Was Beth impressed? I’m not sure. “I will watch you on TV this year,” says Beth after they posed together for some pictures. But then she went back to hugging her friends in Lane 10 and celebrating flying pins. Did I mention that Spencer was in awe?
Wonder if I can borrow a little of Bethany’s enthusiasm? I have a b-day coming up soon (Friday), and not nearly as excited about it. I just changed my attitude–thanks to Bethany I intend to embrace the day. Cindy, thanks for this awesome and delightful reminder to embrace and celebrate life.
Rita- sweet friend! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! God delighted in the day He spoke you into existence and I know you bring Him joy! Thanks you for using your gift of teaching and writing to encourage everyone! I’m so blessed to have gotten to know you! CELEBRATE WELL!
Thank you so much, Cindy! And what a glorious blessing you are to me. I will take a lesson from your beautiful daughter and celebrate well and happily! Love and hugs!