[Tweet “Some windows open our hearts to hidden worlds and secret places…#miracles “]
A little gel and an ultrasound machine opened a window for Micah, Adrienne, and I as we beheld a miracle in process. First, we saw the four chambered heart beating steadily, the two hemispheres of the brain, the spine, the bones, kidneys, the precious little feet, the- wait! was that a wave from the delicately formed hand? After 10 minutes of breathtaking visage, we heard the words, “You’re going to have a little girl.” Through tears I saw Adrienne’s face shining with joy as Micah laid his head down on their clasped hands with relief and reverence! Her little, perfect profile was breathtaking and I praised the Giver of Life for the fearfully and wonderfully made granddaughter that was being knit together even as we watched.
[Tweet “I will #praise You- for you #knit me together in my mother’s womb. #miracle “”]
The texting and phone calls ignited excitement like wildfire to both sides of our families! As Micah called Bethany to tell her “It’s a girl Bethie!” I could hear Bethany literally screaming and whooping on the other end of the phone from across the room,
“It’s a girl! It’s a girl! Oh Micah, I so excited, it’s a girl!” Beth finally got off the phone.
[Tweet “Rejoice and give thanks in the #gift of #life. #miracle”]
5 seconds later my phone rang in that same Dr.’s office! It was Bethany calling me with the news I already knew! “MOM! MOM! Micah and Adi are having a baby girl for ME!! It’s a girl Mom! It’s a girl!”
Sometimes in life we’re privileged to glimpse eternity.
Open Windows transport our gaze beyond our limits
to the riches of His glories.
In Malachi 3:10, God tells us there are windows of heaven that open and pour out blessings we can’t begin to contain or capture. Blessings like rain, pouring down on us, drenching us with His goodness, flooding us with His grace and mercy. It’s interesting that it’s the only scripture that says you can “test” or “prove” God.
It says, “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there is enough provision in my temple. And you can test me in this, says the Lord of Hosts. See if I will not open you the Windows of Heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive or contain.”
I believe God uses those Windows of Heaven quite frequently!
I also think I am self – absorbed and earth – absorbed! This makes it difficult to see His open windows of blessing. But I’m learning to live by the window and look up and out more often, delighting in the miracles and treasures He sends my way!
I will GIVE you hidden treasures, stored in secret places~ this will be a sign to you that I am the Lord Your God who has called you by your name! Isaiah 45:3
Bethie’s excitement along with the rest of the story brings tears of joy to my eyes. I’m reminded of something my “baby” sister told me – in college when she first looked into a microscope she screamed outloud “You cannot tell me there is no God!” I’m more reserved than she! 🙂 The first time I saw the microscopic world, and thought of the universe visible through a telescope, I was struck dumb, realizing we cannot see the extent of God’s creation from the largest to the smallest. We just cannot fathom the end of it. Malachai 3:10 is a favorite of mine, too. Wonderful writing, Cindy. You always “move” me!
Edy- you do make me smile! It’s only right that my bestest encourager would be the first to post on my new site! I love your insight- my mind begins to whirl when I think of the “tiniest” particles and the expanding universe! whew! Awesome God!!! Are you really reserved? 🙂
Compared to my dramatic, energetic sister Naomi, yes, I’m almost a wallflower by comparison! 🙂 She’s such a hoot. I’d love to get us all together, someday.
Full, satisfying explanations of the reasons behind the sad and bad things that happen to people may have to wait until after we enter the eternity described in Revelation 22. But as a lady from our congregation emailed me yesterday, after I shared with her the news of another young mom in our congregation who is experiencing relief and healing from the difficult symptoms of cystic fibrosis- “There goes God, showing off again!” I love it when God shows off! The pictures of ultrasound show us how wonderfully and fearfully we are made in the image and likeness of God!
We do feel honored to have glimpsed into eternity. I know the harder part is keeping our mind there. Thank you so much for coming to the sonogram. She already loves her Nana so much and can’t to be held and cuddled by her. She was also kicking while mommy and daddy read all about her special appearance on Nana’s blog. Love, Micah and Adrienne.
awww- the reward of living long enough to enjoy your children’s children!!!! PTL!