Sometimes I forget Jesus lived and walked this “Earth” Journey just like me- exactly like all of us. My focus tends to think of Jesus post resurrection! You know- loved, worshiped, glorified: our Victorious Savior, the Living Word, Alpha Omega, the Beginning and the End, Soon and Coming King!
This Holy Week, I’ve fixed my heart and thoughts upon His earthly life.
His life began with surrender.
He surrendered position and safety in Heaven-
He surrendered His throne-
He surrendered His crown-
He emptied Himself to be encapsulated into human DNA!
He was surrounded by perfect love and in complete fellowship with His Father! He stepped down into chaos and sin, murder, anger, strife, sickness, poverty, and religiosity run amok.
He shielded Himself from nothing.
Considered illegitimate, born in a dirty stable, a refugee in Egypt, then finally traveling back to Nazareth to live an ordinary life; brothers, sisters, community, learning a trade, reading the Torah.
No special privileges or status.
We don’t know when Joseph died, but we can be certain, as the firstborn, Jesus took the responsibility of providing for His mother and siblings. Remember, all of this was lived out in poverty; dirt floors, no running water, no air conditioning or electrical conveniences we deem necessities.
Even His ministry on earth was not all roses. Pharisees tried to kill Him, Lawyers tried to trick Him, some misunderstood Him. He had no home to call His own, people flocked to Him to have their needs met! Talk about draining!
The night before He was condemned,
HE KNEW the sacrifice He was going to make….
and yet He surrendered!
He washed His disciples feet, ate, gave them words of comfort for His soon coming departure. He GAVE- He GAVE- then He Gave even more. His “earth” journey took Him to the cross- a scourging- a crown of thorns- where He WILLINGLY and LOVINGLY GAVE His life- so that we might be FREE from sin and LIVE with Him eternally.
I am in tears.
I want to be like Jesus BUT the cost to be like Jesus- surrender- selflessness and sacrifice is beyond my ability. I’m selfish and I want to be comfortable. I want people to like me. I don’t like to surrender “my” dreams, wants, and desires.
And that is why I need a Savior. I am weak and He is strong.
Hebrews 12:2 encourages us: “Fix your eyes and heart on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. (Heb 12:2) FOR THE JOY SET BEFORE HIM….He endured the cross.
The Message says it like this….
“Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again- it will shoot adrenaline in your soul!”
[Tweet “Jesus is the Author and #Finisher of our #faith. #joy “]
Surprising Treasure: The Road to Joy – is filled with sacrifice and selflessness.
Resurrection Day. A hollow chocolate bunny is a very cheap substitute for an empty tomb!
We watched the “Prince of Egypt” last night. The music is fantastic and the story of Moses motivates me to live courageously- whenever I watch it I have to compare it to memories of watching “The Ten Commandments.” In the days before VCR’s and DVD’s a person had to plan to be at the TV at the right time to watch it. We don’t like to be inconvenienced very much anymore. I also watched the last hour of “The Passion of the Christ” yesterday. It is rough, graphic, and overwhelming in it’s portrayal of what Jesus willingly did for me. Moses carried a heavy burden as Israel’s deliverer. But the weight of Jesus’ cross… What made weight of the cross so heavy was sin. My sin. Thank you Jesus. I can appear strong. I know I am weak. I need your atoning, weighty sacrifce so very, very much.
Amazing Love- oh the sacrifice- the Son of God – given for me- my debt He paid and my death He died- that I might live!!!
What a wonderful message.
Thanks Amy! He is wonderful! hugs