Our family’s migration to Kansas introduced us to a close up look of the “Sensational Cross-Country Flight” of the Monarch butterfly. Lawrence is a blip in their “directional GPS” as they flutter with fortitude toward their wintering home in New Mexico! Last year, Jeff and I, along with Aunt Melody, took Josh, Moriah, Finley, Cohen, and Bethany to an enclosed butterfly garden. Fascinated, we watched hundreds of aspiring butterflies at various stages. We collectively held our breaths as we watched one struggle triumphantly from its chrysalis. (the butterfly Josh tagged, settled on his head for 20 minute and refused to fly away 🙂 )
Me t a m o r p h a s i s
coming from “meta”, meaning beyond, and “morphe”, meaning form.
Even that word is mind-boggling. How can something go “beyond form”?
[Tweet “Only God can transform a #caterpillar into a #butterfly! #miracle”]
Mind boggling fact: God has provided that unremarkable, earthbound caterpillar with two sets of genetic codes!!
When it’s TIME- the caterpillar builds a chrysalis around itself. Next, its complex organs begin to disintegrate: destroys, obliterates and atomizes itself to nothing but a thick liquid where over a MILLION changes begin to occur. The second genetic information begins the process to compose the completely unique creation that will no longer be limited to crawling. This virgin entity emerges to fly over three thousand miles using only its antennae and minuscule brain to a winter home its never seen!
WOW!!!! Seriously, if you aren’t blown away by that, you need to read that paragraph again! What a mighty God!
post pictures taken by daughter 🙂 : Moriah Ruth- “Through His Eyes Photography”
There is a Time to Transform. Isn’t that the Good News? God doesn’t want to leave us earthbound and limited! He has sent His own Son, Jesus, to make TRANSFORMATION obtainable. He wants to morph us- take us beyond form and create something new!
[Tweet “God is offering a metamorpha #Miracle to everyone.”]
Metamorphosis Miracle!
That is the process God is committed to!
He will not leave any of us in our frail, damaged, degenerative, broken, dying state! It might take over a million changes but He has declared victory on the cross over death, hell, and the grave! He is mighty to save and transform!
He calls us to wake up and look up! He invites us to retreat from this world and its brokenness and build a chrysalis of our own. Immediately, He initiates the breakdown to our pathetic caterpillar lives- our fallacies, our selfish priorities, our sacred cows, our offenses, our trespasses.
Miraculously, mysteriously, He engineers a brand new creation!
[Tweet “This is a #mystery- in #Christ- we become a #new #creature! “]
Only God can transform that completely.
And once He starts the transformation- He won’t stop until we resemble Jesus!
Surprising Treasure: II Corinthians 5:17 ” Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
This autumn season- just as all of creation is being transformed, why don’t we offer ourselves in new areas to His transforming power!
Wow, this is so powerful.
Thank you for the science and Bible lesson in one!!!
Well- Science isn’t my forte but I was blown away as I read about the two genetics sets! AMAZING!
Since Joy has been going to school for pre-med, we are both astonished that Science is proving His Word is true, faster than ever these days.
Isn’t that true! I just posted to Edy, a link that is amazing scientific truth about our body- you’ve got to watch it together- He talks about the protein that holds every cell in our body together- without it- we could not be held together- guess what it’s shape is? I have goosebumps!!! Its the shape of the CROSS! Here’s the link- watch it!!!
Oh, and Moriah,
Beautiful picture!!!
Moriah says thanks- she’s in process of setting up a web site of her pics- I’ll let you know when its ready- she has an eye 🙂
God is so good to give us the caterpillar-to-butterfly illustration, a glimpse of what is meant by “transformation!” I love your terrific lesson, here, the encouragement for all of us to keep on digging for new treasured insights, and the beautiful photography. Thanks muchly!
You know what blew me away Edy? In all my years of school- I had never ever read the information presented above. The butterfly was touted as an example of evolution! However, when you read all the processes that have to happen- over a million!!!- and add to that fact TWO genetic codes- that is only by DESIGN! What a CREATOR!!!
To put so much “creativity” into a small insect, just goes to show how much God cares for the tiniest details of our lives, like the number of hairs on our heads (and more)! When I first heard that scripture as a kidlet, I pondered why it mattered to God how many hairs we had. 🙂 – the way you wonder in your Tear Collector post why our tears are so important to our awsome Creator, Redeemer and Comforter. Just the thought charges my batteries. p.s. I see my “gravitar” investment has born fruit 🙂
AMEN! The detail is mindblowing- in Life Training we watched a video by Louie Giglio that expounded upon the marvels of the human body and its creation- if you get time and want to be blessed you should definitely watch the movie!!! Every Christian should see this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KqziOKZ4AE&feature=related
Had to be cool like Edy and get a gravatar:)
Awesome!!! If anyone wants to grab a gravatar- let me know and I’ll send you the link! Nice to see you Sarah! 🙂 or should I say Finley/Cohen/Sarah?