Though our constitution truthfully states
that all “men” are created equal,
the reality in this fallen world is:
“All” are not equally endowed.
As a mom, I try to be an “equalizer”. You know, keep everything fair and more-or-less-the same. I find it’s a formidable, if not impossible task when dealing with something abstractly complicated such as “intelligence”.
When our world stopped “quaking” after Beth’s diagnosis, my “mother bear” rose up and I ferociously devoured every bit of information I could read on brain development and how to arrest mental retardation. (MR- those two words still nauseate me. Probably from hearing the “R” word thrown at kids who were struggling or slower, even though I know from my music background, “retardo” has no painful judgement attached to it- to “retard” quite simply means “slow down.”)
Immersing and educating myself about how to help Bethany, our family came up with a plan of action. We focused our energies into providing opportunities galore to help Bethany with her speech, physical skills, and of course, reading. Though I had home schooled my other children- this was a horse of a different color.
Plan of Action: Every thing taught would be done with:
Those three words were our mantra. If it took “typical kids” three times to learn something, it might have to be 15 or 20 times for Bethany. It was exhilarating as we experienced one victory after another. Her delays- what delays? She seemed to be overcoming every obstacle and I became convinced- she would “escape” and somehow be “normal”.
That’s another word that is so ambiguous it doesn’t even make sense when applied to people! What is normal and why would any of us want to be that anyway?
I was blissfully unaware, caught up in my excitement for Bethany as she was learning, that it caught me off guard as I realized her milestones were getting farther and fewer between.
[Tweet “”Stop #ranking people on an inequitable scale- Embrace #everyone with #GodsLove #inclusion”]
It has become “painfully” obvious as I home school Bethany, that while she is abundantly gifted with love, compassion, and joy,
her brain is complexly challenged.
An epiphany dawned when we went to the National Downs Syndrome Conference in Kansas City. We attended a lecture in which the doctor was explaining how the downs syndrome brain is different. With brain imaging, a “typical” brain would look like a lit up highway at night. “Information” would appear as lights and look like they were being shuttled rapidly through a profusion of pathways.
However, with downs syndrome, the extra chromosome overproduces (it gets complicated here LOL but let’s just say that “extra” in down syndrome is counterproductive physically 🙂 ) This leads to the brain not being able to make as many pathways- or pathways with dead ends. Thus, with brain imaging, Beth’s brain would look like a small town with fewer highways, making the information being transported s l o w e r to transport and perhaps, having to re-route the information to get to the correct destination. This explains why I need to often repeat a question or a direction to Beth and give her enough time to process her thoughts so she can answer and respond.
So, what does all this mean and where is the hidden treasure in this?
1. I’ve learned that “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE.”
I don’t have to be under the pressure that Bethany somehow has to “keep up” to be “normal.”
She can’t.
She doesn’t have enough neural pathways in her brain. BUT she does have enough to learn- I just have to know it’s going to be slower and not as great of a capacity of someone who has an 120 IQ! (But then, neither do I 🙂 )
She has a soul and a spirit to know and learn about her Creator. The Westminster Catechism states- “MAN’S CHIEF END IS TO GLORIFY GOD AND ENJOY HIM FOREVER.” She can definitely accomplish that no matter how many neurons she has! 🙂
2. Maybe the greatest thing I’m learning is that God’s love and delight is not based on our achievements or educational exploits or skilled performance.
[Tweet “God #loves us because He made us. We are His #treasure.”]
Brilliant or not so brilliant, overweight or underweight, typical or non-typical, clutzy or graceful, musically gifted or tone-deaf, outgoing or shy: the list could go on infinitely!
Surprising Treasure: All men and women are created equal because our Father has assigned equal worth and value to each one of us- despite our differences! He loves us! He’s committed to us! Let’s wrap our brain around that magnificent thought today!
what an incredible journey. It must have been such a help to hear him explain about the brain pathways and the different ways they work in different people. She is blessed to have you as her Mom <3
Thanks Amy- it has been an incredible journey- so many mountains, green pastures, fun place, icky places along the way- all with our Father teaching me and holding my hand! How much better could it get?
Thanks so much for enlightening us Cindy. It was so neat to form pictures in my mind…but you are right…no one is really “normal” if it was that way we would all sound alike, look alike, and feel alike…what a boring world that would, each one is unique in his/her own way. I know that God had you and Jeff picked out for Bethany many years before you received her. As Amy said before me…she is blessed to have you as a mom. Luv ya
Boring is right- although I catch myself wanting a “normal” day so many days LOL. BTW- I’m praying for you!!! Hugs-
Your spirit and outlook is amazing Cindy. What a testimony your family is to the love and grace of God!
Thanks Sarah! His grace is amazing!!!
I think what you’ve learned applies to every brain. As we age, the “rat race” of the city traffic in our brains can leave us exhausted and bewildered. When I was young, I often say, I could keep a dozen balls in the air at once. Now, just one is a challenge. The simplicity of a quiet small town life becomes more and more appealing. The simplicity of child-like faith is where the Kingdom of God rests! So, perhaps, we stress ourselves for no good reason! Could that be possible? Your messages stimulate me to thinking. I love that quote, that our CHIEF end is to GLORIFY God and ENJOY Him forever. That is our destination, and more and more of our journey as we discover He is all we need. God has given Bethany an amazing brain, as your posts bear witness. Her RQ (relationship quotient) is in the genius range, for sure! I love you, Cindy and Bethany, all to pieces, sight unseen!
Edy- Spot On! You’ve pin-pointed it exactly. While there are times I’m literally heartbroken at the limitations Bethany has intellectually, God is showing me in extraordinary ways the “surprising gift” Bethany (and others like her) possess. I love what you said- ” The simplicity of a quiet small town life becomes more and more appealing. The simplicity of child-like faith is where the Kingdom of God rests! So, perhaps, we stress ourselves for no good reason!” I know as I’m “teaching” Bethany, I’m learning HIS STRENGTH is made perfect in weakness. The Message says it this way,
“At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me, My grace is enough; it’s all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. ” II Corinthians 12 I think that thought might be another blog. Love ya!
This is so true and you are simply amazing. I’ve always wondered what the big deal was with “normal” anyway and who decides what is “normal”. What’s normal for one is not necessarily normal for another. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
You’re the amazing one Angela! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could celebrate each person . period. Hugs and blessings 🙂