Surprising Treasures was birthed from life experiences which at first glance looked devastating.
Underneath layers of sorrow, loss, fear, and pain, I’ve found TREASURE! Instead of seeing life full of random accidents and misfortunes, I am choosing to be a Treasure Hunter, searching for eternal wealth.
[Tweet “God has hidden #secret #riches in the #dark places of #life so you will know Him.”]
“I will give you hidden treasures, riches found in secret places, so that you will know I AM the Lord your God who calls you by your name!” Isaiah 45:3
How crazy is that? Who ever heard of hiding spiritual treasures in secret places? Please just drop those blessings and treasures down on us, oh Lord! Please- Bring it on!
Uhhhh- no. We have to seek to find.
Treasure Hunters Unite: Ready for your quest?
“Tune your ears to the world of Wisdom;
set your heart on a life of Understanding.
That’s right—if you make Insight your priority,
and won’t take no for an answer,
Searching for it like a prospector panning for gold,
like an adventurer on a treasure hunt,
Believe me, before you know it Fear-of-God will be yours;
you’ll have come upon the Knowledge of God.” Prov. 2:2-5 the Message
Selah- pause and think about it
We are on a quest- an adventure- a challenge. We didn’t ask to born- to brought into this broken world- but here we are! God has given us a purpose and a spirit to embrace life! We must become “fighters”! Don’t let this world steal the treasure God has for each one of us.
Faith does not make thing EASY-
[Tweet “Faith doesn’t make thing #EASY- Faith makes things #possible. #faith”]
Believe what God has said.
He has hidden secret treasure in the dark places of life.
“*Some treasures are easy to collect, like shells on the beach; other riches have to be mined, hunted, pursued, discovered, uncovered, and sometimes, even fought for!
Sunday’s adult Bible class lay-leader made a statement about testing. He said it is so God can see what is in our hearts. But, it dawned on me that God already knows our hearts…”the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, who can know it?” Rather, trials are God’s way of showing US what is in our heart, so we come to the end of self, taking no confidence in our flesh. What are we besides a lump of clay that the Potter is forming, conforming and transforming into that unique vessel He is using for His purpose and our benefit? For me, that is such a relief! I’m “off the hook” and back in the passenger seat instead of trying to do the driving, myself. What a ride and adventure of a lifetime! Looking forward to your next keepsake discovery, Cindy! <3
WOW! That is insightful! Totally flips it around. I know as I’ve gone through different trials- I’ve been blown away by my thoughts- I used to think I was rather “good” lol- and now- you’re right- when we can have NO CONFIDENCE in our flesh- we have ALL CONFIDENCE in Him! Love ya Edy- <3
So “interesting” that Cindy chose Is. 45:3 for her blog’s name. That particular section was the “word” gave me in deciding to make the big move from Galesburg, IL to Lawrence, KS. The treasures have been many and surprising… They would have remained hidden without our coming. Even more interesting- Last week I was invited to speak at a Pre-Teen Youth Camp. The theme: “Hidden Treasures.”
I am beginning to see a pattern here!
Jesus is very good.