Practically every weather worthy morning, “Poppi” (aka Jeff) “races” 1/2 mile around our block ‘
not in a 3K
but WITH 3 K-
(3 kids- Bethany, Cohen, and Finley) The grandchildren and Beth think they’re in “training” and love this “race”.
“I’m gowin fastah dis time Nana”, Cohen boasts.
Finley quickly inserts, “Nana, we’re going with Poppi! Don’t worry, he’ll take care of us.”
Bethany herds everyone together, “Come on guys, let’s go. Stay together.”
Simple joys warm the heart! They run the race with such enthusiasm!
They’re with their Poppi (and Daddy)!!!!
Hebrews 12:1b encourages us to join the Great Race of Life!
“let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,”
This little vignette, shouts to me!
Be like Jeff- who doesn’t think it beneath him to adjust his pace and run with 3 Kids.
Be like Cohen- he thinks he can go faster each day.
Be like Finley- she knows that “Poppi” is racing and will take care of and watch out for her.
Be like Bethany- Be an encourager in this life race, and say, “come on guys, we need to stay together- run together, and finish together.”
Never forget- we’re NOT running alone!
Surprising Treasure:
The race is not always to the swift or the proud-
Ecclesiates 9:11
but the prize will be given to everyone who keeps their eyes fixed on Jesus and finishes their race. Hebrews 12:2
Good message Cindy. I am in Ecclesiates now (I read for the first hour in the morning.) It helped to hear your comments as I have a hard time reading that particular book. Loved the pictures of Jeff and the kids. Keep up the good work.
Thanks Char- isn’t Ecclesiates different? I really like it though- Jeff used a lot of it for his dad’s funeral service because it’s “earthy”, real, honest, and practical…. I sometimes think, as Christians, we don’t know what to do with that much questioning and futility? (I’m not sure that’s the word I’m looking for- ) but when you think of it being a time BEFORE Jesus – and balance it with the rest of the word- it’s like a snapshot- not the whole picture of life- but definitely a snapshot of what some of us humans go through down here on earth. Not many get by untouched by “life”. Hugs- Charlene
Simple and to the point! Good job Mama!! 🙂
Awww- Moriah- thanks for stopping by and reading my blog today! 🙂
I have been wanting to make contact with my old friend Jeff for some time now. Glad to see you still running. I would love to hear from him sometime so we can catch up.
Hey Doug!! Jeff is going to be thrilled to connect with you again! I’ll tell him this afternoon. I hope you’re doing well. Blessings- Cindy
I love it, Cindy! You’ve given us a deep message in just a few words based on an everyday anecdote. Like Luther, you see insights from God’s Word from ordinary life experiences. <3
Edy– you have the gift of encouragement and I love you for it!! Hugs-
Jeff must be a national treasure!
God bless.
He is Mariane! It’s so funny watching them take off and then come back crossing the invisible finish line. LOL Someone inevitably falls or trips along the way.