****We were privileged to recently sit under Dr. Ravi Zacharias at a conference. Here is a story he told…
An Indian man and his son were working together to weave a blanket.
The father sat up top and the son sat below.
All around the father there were threads of all kinds, red, blue, gold, and greens. The father would unwind some thread and nod to his son to start working.
The son would do a series movements on the weave and then stop and wait for his father to nod again.
After a few days of doing this the pattern started to emerge. After a few more days there was created a beautiful carpet covered with intricate patterns.
Then Ravi said something that lit my brain with understanding.
“But you know anyone can learn the motions that the son did, but I can’t learn to do what the father did!”
The Father unwound the different colors in a specific way that created the beautiful design.
The design was in the Father’s imagination and purposes from
the beginning.
What an illustration! We are the “son” or “daughter”. Our Heavenly Father not only knows what He is doing but He know just which beautiful design is perfect for each and every child.
He is our Father and He knows how to weave sorrow,
trial, joy, disappointment, and happiness
to make an exquisite whole.
My Heavenly Father has woven this truth into my heart in a permanent design. Confident in His love for those created in His image, even as I watch Bethany grow- unsure of her future. The Father Weaver whispers to my heart,
[Tweet “”Every thread is by My design and the end will be more glorious than you can imagine.- #Father “”]
Surprising Treasure: Ephesians 2:10 “We are His workmanship- His masterpiece….
10For we are God’s [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].
Cindy …That is such a beautiful illustration of God’s handiwork. I never gave much thought to how the intricate design of some things are put together, but I loved the story. How true..There is no one exactly like me or you and who is the judge of how we should look, act, or feel? I love reading your posts.. it is like getting a mini sermon and I look for your “Treasures” each day and so disappointed when I have to wait until the next day. If I should win in the drawing, I would like for you to find a person in need and give them the book and tell them they are to be blessed that day. Love you so much!
Thanks Charlene- sometime, just for fun- google images for persian rugs and look at the huge variety! just like people 🙂 Blessings
Thanks for sharing this beautiful illustration, Cindy! We might be tempted (discouraged?) to think God can do just fine without us. But, the treasure is that He invites us to join Him in producing beautiful Masterpiece works of art! What a glorious thought! Lots of love and hugs!
the thought just hit me- you said “beautiful Masterpiece- works of art” Eternity will be better than the finest displays of Masterpieces- everyone we meet will be an original work of THE Master! wow