(flash back Friday- originally published April 25, 2011)
Drifting off to sleep last night, in my mind, I “saw” three large words- like a neon sign. Slowly, each one lit up, one at a time as I read-
I was fascinated with the changing colors and brilliance of each word as I read the sentence. As I continued to look I somehow realized it was three messages in three words. I’d like to share the thoughts that came to my mind when I woke up and thought more about the words.
3 little words- 3 different inflections- 3 encompassing truths
1st say it this way (outloud 🙂 ) JESUS changes everything!
Who has authority and power to change everything? Jesus- not you, not me, not your mom, not your dad, not your pastor, not your teacher, not society, not the President, not your principal, not your neighbor, not your husband, and certainly not your wife – not FOOD, not ALCOHOL, not DRUGS,- (whew LOL) The point is, we look to others or things to change our lives but only JESUS has authority and power to transform our lives to LIFE!
[Tweet “Only #Jesus has the #power and #authority to #transform lives”]
2nd- say it this way (outloud 🙂 ) Jesus CHANGES everything!
What is the verb- the action word? CHANGES!
Jesus is a change agent. It’s His specialty- that’s what He loves to do! II Corinthians 5:17 says, “Anyone who is in Christ, is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.” To be in Christ is to change- and change…and change…and change…until we love like Jesus loved. But it isn’t just people that Jesus is changing.
[Tweet “Following #Jesus means #transformation “]
3rd- say it this way (out loud 🙂 ) Jesus changes EVERYTHING!
It’s all of creation, not part, but EVERYTHING groans for redemption! Revelation 21:5 – Jesus declares, “Behold, I make everything new.” This verb “make” means past, present and future. Jesus has made, is making, and will continue to make all things new! Nothing is beyond His authority. He is jealous and passionate about all He made. He is actively drawing people, transforming brokenness, setting addicts free, comforting those who mourn, and bringing metamorphosis!
[Tweet “Knowing #Jesus #changes #everything.”]
So when you don’t like life and what it’s throwing at you- remember
Surprising Treasure: Jesus is committed! Out with the old- in with the NEW!
Thanks to my daughter Sarah, for discovering this song and sharing it with me!
Oh, I love it, just three words, but it expresses all the difference in the world. Thank you for another gem, Cindy! I love you all to pieces 🙂
Right back at you Edy. Hugs and thanks for the encouragement!
This was a wonderful post Cindy….I will never look at those 3 words the same again. I enjoy your posts so much and find myself searching for them each day. If this is not for anyone else I know it is for me. I read and reread them and glean a lot of wisdom…Keep up the wonderful work I also love your artwork
You made my day Charlene- you truly are an encourager. You make me smile 🙂
Amen. Around Christ Community Church we say “changed lives, change lives.” Its because Jesus changes everything!
Change is challenging but when the change is brought about with purpose by His hand, we can be confident it is for our ultimate good!
Gleaning more the “second time around,” Cindy (because it is as fresh as ever). Amazing, isn’t it, how the One Who changes everything is the Changeless One, the same yesterday, today, and forever! Thanks for this refreshing reminder to carry through the day: Jesus changes everything! 🙂
I reread it the other day because it was getting so many “hits” – I need to be reminded that change is His forte- His work- and I can trust Him because He sees EVERYTHING much better and clearer than I do. hugs Edy-