Christ proved God’s passionate love for us by dying in our place while we were still lost and ungodly!
Romans 5:8,9
Bethany and I just got home from driving practice. Some days are UH-mazing and others are like today. 🙁 Gotta take the good with the bad and the ugly. 😉 By the middle of our driving time, we both were flustered. I had her pull over to dry her tears, take a breath, say a prayer together, and start afresh.
[Tweet “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases! #GodsLove”]
We talked. I encouraged her to put it in perspective. “Hey, sweets, nobody’s perfect. We’re all learning throughout our whole life! I love ya!”
“But mom, you kinda yelled at me. When you do I’m not sure you love me so much. I’m no good at driving sometimes.”
Hmmmm. Teachable moment! “Honey, my raised voice was to get you to stop and avoid driving up on the curb! lol It had nothing to do with how much I love you! My love for you will never change! “
But doesn’t the enemy of our souls whispers in our heads and to our hearts? He speaks debilitating lies to our brokenness and insecurities. Satan tries to get us to “feel” as if God’s love ebbs and flows based on our reactions or performance. He wants us to “feel” like a failure.
[Tweet “The truth is God’s love is manifest to us through His inexhaustible grace- not our works. #Godparenting”]
God’s love is never based on our performance. We can’t earn it! We don’t deserve it.
[Tweet “There’s nothing we can do to make God love us more or make Him love us less. #Godparenting”]
We are the object of His affection and the mission of His sacrificial love. Let me say it again- “God’s love for you is by grace and not by works.”
We were able to finish our driving practice in a happy place. Bethany carefully pulled into the parking space and got out to trade places with me.
“MOM! Look how I parked!! I did it between the lines just perfect! Mom- am I a FANTASTIC Daughter?”
I heard so much longing for affirmation in her question! Even though I had explained I wasn’t mad at her when I yelled for her to stop. Even though I told her how much I loved her. Even though it hadn’t been the best driving practice she was still asking- hoping- wanting to know if I still believed she was fantastic.
I grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes. “You are a fantastic daughter all the time because you are a gift from God! You’re fantastic no matter how you drive or what you do- Bethany Anne! You’re always fantastic because you’re my daughter- and I love you!”
As we hugged, God was hammering it into my unbelieving head and my insecure heart, “You’re my fantastic daughter, too! No matter if you don’t perform well or if you don’t know something, or even when you mess up. You’re fantastic because you’re my daughter, and I love you.”
Surprising Treasure: And there is still much more to say of his unfailing love for us! For through the blood of Jesus we have heard the powerful declaration, “You are now righteous in my sight.” And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will never experience the wrath of God. So if while we were still enemies, God fully reconciled us to himself through the death of his Son, then something greater than friendship is ours.
Good morning, Cindy!
Thanks for sharing this. What a wonderful reminder. It’s so awesome to start my day knowing I’m loved.
And the photo of you and Bethany is so precious. What a blessing!
I look forward to reading your posts.♥
Much love,
Good morning Susan! Unconditional love is almost unbelievable!! God’s love truly is beyond what our finite minds can imagine!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment! Hope you have a beautiful day!
I needed this today- I bet there are many who need this today. Thank you!
Hello Pam! Sometimes, I’m astounded that the longer I’ve walked with Him, that I ca revert to thinking I can do more to win His love and approval- He who loves me so much today yesterday and forever- has set His seal upon us. We are His. <3
Can I say” Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!” By the way, I think you are fantastic too!