Excitement- anticipation- wonder…. Isn’t this the childlike perception of Christmas?
As a parent, I meticulously shop for gifts that will bless and delight our children. I can hardly wait to hear their squeals of surprise and see their faces light up with joy. Nothing quite like watching as they discover what treasure lies beneath the tape and wrapping paper!
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Our Heavenly Father has hidden a glorious treasure wrapped in swaddling clothes. He is watching and waiting for our reaction. He carefully chose the best- gave us what we needed most. It is the gift of eternal wholeness and redemption- if we will but unwrap His glory and presence and receive Him into our hearts.
[Tweet “The Greatest Message of #CHRISTmas is #FEARnot!”]
So go ahead. Become like a little child. Rip and tear away the wrapping and marvel at PURE LOVE THAT NEVER FAILS! Discover the depths of His commitment and grace as you gaze at His unbelievably costly present- His Son.
Surprising Treasure: He left heaven to become one of us—– so we could become His again.