God created humankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them, male and female He created them. (Genesis 1:27, NET)
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There is no favoritism with God. His love is offered to the world and all who live in it- through the gift of His Son.
It’s not “us” and “them”.
God doesn’t see us on a human spectrum. He does not have a caste system of “better” to “the lowest.” He calls mankind His crown of creation; His masterpiece. (Psalm 8- TPT )
He just sees “us”- individually and collectively- the work of His hand; His crown of creation, made in His image, and the depth of His love was proved when He died for us so that we can be saved from sin and death.
Ever since Bethany was born God has used her humanity to teach us some wondrous truths:
• Everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made.
• We are not so much different as alike.
• Not one of us are whole, perfect, or invincible.
• ALL of us need a Savior.
Which brings me full circle and prompts this question:
Everyone has special needs. Everyone is challenged. Everyone is disabled. Every one is human! (despite that Peter Sanger wants to label the disabled as “sub”human!)
Why are you infatuated with Adam’s sons?
created only a little lower than Elohim,d]
crowned like kings and queense] with glory and magnificence. Psalm 8:5,6
Yes, Cindy, everyone is special. It seems we humans can only live out that truth in streaks. Then we forget. Words like your’s pull us back and remind everyone to be human again. We are all His image-bearers. I love you so much! Profound, almost prophetic words!
I can’t count how many times, I’ve prayed that people could just see “Bethany”. Not down syndrome. Not someone who was “slow”. Not someone who looked and acted “different”. It takes time and intentionality to discover every person is a person and is worthy of love and respect. She makes me more aware of this- and motivates me to discover the treasure that lies within each person.