What is a DayMaker?
Our definition: DayMaker: a life changer; someone who believes they can make the world better, one person at a time.
In reality,
everyone is either
a DayMaker- or a DayBreaker.
Years ago, I read a book by David Wagner, entitled Life as a DayMaker. Something resonated deeply as I recognized a greater calling than just “being alive”.
Get rid of the mumbo jumbo about becoming “successful in life” and boil it down to the “main thing”. What’s the main thing- We’re here to make a difference through the power of God’s love. I believe l Jesus taught if you want to be truly successful- you have to become a DayMaker.
[Tweet “God doesn’t need you to save the world, just change your world 1 person at a time. #DayMaker”]
He said, “Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind” (that will make our day full of joy and thanksgiving)
and “Love your neighbor as yourself”. (translation- Make everyone else’s day as great as you would want yours to be!)
Jeff and I have tried to live motivated by giving, rather being “taking”- servant motivated rather than money motivated. (It’s difficult because- let’s face it- money is a very handy thing to have in our society. 🙂 )
As we’ve prayed about Bethany’s future, we prayed that she could find purposeful employment that she would enjoy and use the giftings God has blessed her with. And we’d love to find a way she can financially support herself without relying on government assistance. (I’m glad it’s there!!! but we’re exploring all possibilities for her)
Whatever the future holds, whatever job/employment Bethany puts her energies into- most of all- I want her to be a DayMaker.
The biggest challenge right now with DayMaker Coffee and Treats is- Not taking over! Lol This is her direct answer to prayer. Her job. Her venture.
As much as I want to bake away, I know I have to teach and bake WITH her and move toward the goal of it becoming her business venture- and not mine!
First, we went shopping for a fold-able 6 foot table, a cash box, a table cloth, a few trays, paper cups with lids, cream and sugar packets, stir sticks, tea, lemonade and drink glasses. We ordered a square (a square is a nifty electronic device you hook up to your phone so your business can accept debit and credit cards) and connected it to her savings account.
For the first weekend, she made 3 13X9 pans of Rice Krispie Treats, cut them and individually wrapped them. (I helped with the wrapping because- and I quote Bethany, “Why did whoever make saran wrap make it so tricky?”)
She also baked 4 pans of fudgey brownies. (mmmmmm- yummy) We had to cut the edges because they got burnt but we still got some good brownies out of it. She made 100 peanut butter protein balls. (ok- I helped mix these she rolled the balls and helped package them, 2 loaves of lemon poppy seed bread, and sun tea, lemonade, and juice packs along with coffee!
It turned out to be just the right amount of work/speed for her. Challenging but doable
As we packed the car, checked our list, and hoped we hadn’t missed anything, our granddaughter Finley, dropped by with a sign she had made for Bethany’s business. #FamilyRocks
Ready or not- get set- go…….
[Tweet “The journey of a million miles begins with just one step… #venture #specialneedsBusiness “]
(more to come)
To read Part 1 of DayMaker- click here
Surprising Treasure: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord Col 3:23
Bethany and Cindy motivate me. Their passion to be day makers inspire me. They teach me to slow down. Look around. Make someone’s day.
Bethany has given me new eyes to see the world- it has simplified my vision of what I’m called to be- there is no greater call than to love well.