The rants on social media and the news seduce me to join in. Oh, how I want to add my rants! But rants are an enchanting siren that lures me to frustration, anger, and destruction.
My prayer is to become a Raver- not a ranter.
My heart cries- “Lord, make me a Raver- not a ranter!”
I want to shoot off your praises like fireworks in the night sky! I want to draw attention to You- not to the darkness.
[Tweet “I want to litter the world with God’s kindness and pollute the air with His joy.”]
Let me save my words for Extravagant Enthusiasm about You! Let Your deeds ignite my actions to explode with joy.
Why do I waste my words- my thoughts- my actions- on things that will eventually be flushed down the toilet? Draw me away from the Ghenna of this present age- away from the trash talk and destructive sentiment.
Help me see the impotence of ranting. Worthless words that accomplish little. Deliver me from the anger of this age.
Make me a Raver!!!
Transform my ranting into Raving. Edit my thinking and actions.
I want my life to be wildly uninhibited as I share what You’ve done in my life. You alone are worth boasting about! I could never reach the end of Your goodness and grace.
[Tweet “There aren’t enough words to showcase God’s love! #indescribable #love”]
You are the Headliner that should grace every newspaper. Our Inquiring Minds are desperate to know You.
Your Truth is forged by love. Your justice is balanced with mercy.
Take my grumbling and make it glorious. Transform my murmuring into magnifying Your great works. Crush my complaints and drape me in Your garments of praise!
[Tweet “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord- forever! #rave”]
Make me a Raver! Let me shout of Your Love- Your Excellence- Your Loveliness.
Bury my rants- put a tombstone on top to remind me how worthless- how very dead they are. There is no life in them.
Author my cry of celebration, let me commend Your works with all my heart!
You are pure, unadulterated Love!
You are abundant, luxurious Life!
You are redeeming, liberating Truth!
You are everything worth talking about. You alone, are worth living for! Self gives no satisfaction, no lasting reward.
[Tweet “There is none like the #Lord God Almighty #love, #truth, #life”]
I want to shout, applaud, and give You a standing ovation.
Make me a Raver!
(I’d love to hear Your Rave about God! Shout one out in the comments section 🙂 )
Surprising Treasures: May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing to you,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 NLT