Growing up in a small, rural town of 750, I still get a bit nervous while navigating my way around Kansas City. Whew! I hate when I don’t know where I’m going. I fear I’ll get lost. I especially dislike tons of turbo traffic with merges and off ramps- it has the ability to put me in a panic attack.
But thanks to my IPHONE- (I can’t believe I once made fun of people who thought they had to have one) my GPS system and SIRI can guide me to anywhere I want to go. Most of the time. 😉
I needed to go to COSTCO to pick up a cake. No problem-right? I told SIRI and off we went. Bethany and I.
I was only 10 minutes away from COSTCO when SIRI began to reroute us. My heart began beating faster. I don’t like to be re-routed.
“Ummmmm- Bethany- what should I do? Should I follow directions or should I go the way I think is right?”
“Mo-om. Follow directions. You don’t get lost then.” (it’s so much easier for Bethany 😉 )
Every instinct told me something wasn’t right. I had just a split second to decide to follow where SIRI was redirecting me.
It all became clear; a minute later as I saw construction had changed everything! What was once familiar and fairly memorized- was now a new jumble of clover-leafs and exit ramps. I really started getting anxious but told myself to calm down and just follow what SIRI was telling us to do.
20 minutes later, after a confusing amount of turns, detours, and even two roundabouts- Bethany and I pulled into COSTCO’s parking lot.
“See Mom. I told you to follow directions.” Bethany skipped ahead- oblivious to my internal angst and struggle I had overcome to get where we were going.
It’s hard when the familiar is stripped away. It alarms and distresses me when I don’t recognize where I am or how I’m supposed to get where I want to go.
It’s also difficult for me to surrender my control; to trust “someone” leading me in uncharted, untraveled paths.
Not just in my “physical” life- but especially in my spiritually lived life.” You know- the eternal journey that is palpable- yet remains, for the most part mysteriously invisible.
I had to choose to “follow the directions”- even though they didn’t make sense to me at the time. It was successful because- SIRI was giving me updated information from a satellite somewhere up there that I couldn’t see- that had the bigger picture.
God is the Ultimate GPS- God Positioning System
I’m learning to trust that He has the bigger picture all the time!
He knows when I should detour or stop.
He knows when to reroute my path and take me a previously unknown way.
But the biggest comfort is this:
[Tweet “God knows the best way to get me where I’m supposed to be. #trust #followDirections #Bible”]
Surprising Treasures: Psalm 139: 3 You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am. 4 You know what I am going to say before I even say it. 5 You go before me and follow me and place your hand of blessing on my head.
[Tweet “God has made the perfect way home- trust Him to get you there. #GPS #home”]
I commit to God’s regular updates in my soul-guiding software!
Encouraging. A beautiful reminder to let God bring us to the right path.