The Bible- and experience- teaches us it truly is more blessed to give than receive.
I’ve found giving the “best” gifts DO NOT require money.
Rather, the price of giving – the dearest cost- is counted and measured by “sacrifice of self”.
Here are 31 free, but priceless gifts I’ve discovered I can give to anyone at anytime.
- A Smile: “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Mother Theresa
- A Hello– In a busy, fearful of strangers world, a Hello recognizes person-hood and worth. A hello offers friendship and connection to our isolated world. “Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family.” Suzy Kassem
- A Kind Word: “Kind Words are like honey; sweet to the soul and healthy to the body.” Proverbs 6:24 We reap what we sow– What goes around comes around- I want to intentionally let the “law of kindness” rule my life.
- A Hug: “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Virginia Satyr Be the hug for someone today! 🙂
- Respect: “Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king. (I think this even means the “leaders” we don’t like. 😉 )” I Peter 2:17
- Cheerfulness: “Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world” Phil. 2:14 When I’m cheerful instead of complaining, I’ve noticed I actually hold the power to change the atmosphere- at work, at home, at school, at play. Cheerfulness may be invisible but transforms gloom and darkness into joyous light. I’d rather be a Pollyanna than Eeyore.
- Focused Attention: I can’t say enough about this one! I am distractable. There’s always a circus in my mind! So this gift- of focused attention- takes intentional effort for me. I have 2 battles with focused attention. My attention is distracted by my “self” and my own problems. I find I give them way too much attention. My second attention grabber (I’m embarrassed to admit) is the plethora of electronic choices on my phone- from reading to playing games.) How much better to train my mind to focus on what God’s heart is focused on.
- Laughter and Merriment: There’s enough negativity in this world. I don’t want to be uniformed but I limit my news intake and put up boundaries around people who are obsessed with doom and gloom! “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” Proverbs 17:22 I want to be that one who brings Comfort and Joy and Merriment to a tired and careworn world.
- A Touch- I can’t be afraid to “touch” and be touched. In nursing classes, we read a horrifying account of orphans who were fed by bottle and never held or cuddled. This led to severe failure to thrive- and even death. God wired us for touch- our brain needs loving touch to develop, our soul needs compassionate touch to thrive. Benevolent touch- a giving of one’s self to another- is a hallmark of authentic living and a most precious gift. Jesus intentionally used touch to minister. He hugged lepers, children, women, and His disciples. He made Himself touchable- he let a woman wipe his feet with her hair and the women who touched just the hem of His garment was made whole.
- A Prayer– I try to pray “with” someone instead of “for” someone. Sometimes, I’ve been in a hurry- or I get embarrassed or shy- but the times I stop everything and pray with someone – heaven invades earth. God bends down and fills our spaces with His grace. Jesus said- “Where there are two or three gathered in My Name- I am there, with them.”
To be continued– …………………. [Tweet “The best #gifts in life are free- but cost us investment of self. #CHRISTmas #giving”]
Surprising Treasure: Behold- what manner of love the Father has lavished upon us. Therefore- go and do likewise.
Awesome reminders, Cindy–I should read this every day. Delighted to know another “circus mind”. Have recently been really convicted that it is not about me & what a burden is lifted when I remember that.
Hugs to you all!
Thanks Cecilia- the process of training myself to think differently- to set my eyes on the Giver of all good gifts- instead of contemplating lack of- whatever- He is glorious- He is good- He is more than enough. And when I begin to live that way- others can see Him better. 🙂 Hugs and blessings…..
You make my eyes drip with your sweet and loving insights, precious sister. Thank you!
Awwww- thanks Edy- Your insights and words of encouragement mean more to me than you’ll ever know! hugs and blessings……
Amen! Inexpensive investments in people… Inexpensive, but not cheap. Inexpensive, yet priceless. Inexpensive and easier than we might think.
Exacta dactly! 🙂 The more we’re filled- the more we can give <3