Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are ALL the work of Your hand.
Isaiah 55:4
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
Down Syndrome- a new world- a new journey- a new understanding
I was 40 when I finally met someone with down syndrome. We named her Bethany Anne.
Bethany was diagnosed as having down syndrome or trisomy 21
But Hallelujah- praise the Lord! OUR GENETICS AREN’T THE
[Tweet “We are more than the sum of our parts! #spirit #eternal #soul”]
NO PERSON IS AN ACCIDENT OR MISTAKE: WE are planned in the mind of God, conceived in love through His life-giving power, and birthed into existence by His will and grace.
ALL earthly bodies have limits: pain, weaknesses, syndromes, disabilities, aging.
But the golden thread that binds us together is this: we are ALL created from the heart of God- more than a body- God created us as living souls with His very breath giving us life!
[Tweet “And man became a living soul- #created”]
So please know this about down syndrome- it’s just a syndrome. There’s so much more to people than their genetic make-up.
Bethany Anne is Bethany first!- down syndrome doesn’t define her- it can’t stop her from being the girl God wants her to be! God, alone, defines her identity and gives wings to her purpose!
[Tweet “All people are created by the design and heart of God’s love. #humankind #downsyndrome”]
As Mandissa sings- “Take the shackles off my feet- I wanna dance- I’m gonna praise Him- I’m gonna praise Him!” Our identity is not confined to our genetic package, our environment, our baggage, our “image”, our popularity, our skin color, our IQ, our achievements, or our quirks or strengths-
What defines us for eternity is our relationship with God: Will we let Him reveal His good plans and purposes and define our identity through His love and grace?
Surprising Treasure: Isaiah 43:1 But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.”
Another heart-warming post. I missed reading your posts. Because my internet connection is busted for many days now.
Thank you so much Lux!! not the internet connection! I haven’t been able to post much lately because of LIFE- but here we are again! blessings and hugs! Have a wonderful week!!!!