Even though I lose my lists of “things to do” I love making them! Especially sweet is crossing off things as done! ta da! 🙂
On the down side, those lists keep needing to be written- some things don’t get crossed off and get put to the top for the next day. 🙁
Most days my list exceeds my abilities.
[Tweet “Life can be lived 2 ways: in my own #strength or being #filled with God’s Spirit. #JOY “]
A few mornings ago, I thought- I just can’t do it all! There’s always more to do and most of the time I’m exhausted by my unfinished list. But- what if it isn’t about what to do– but what to be???
Ephesians 5:18 encourages me to do something radical– something counter-intuitive to my “independent I can-do personas.
Ephesians directs us- “Be filled with the Spirit” The word filled is in the past imperative and imperfect- it means having been filled- be filled and continue to be filled!
Maybe how I live is not a check list or abilities test?!
Maybe Jesus really meant it when He talked about a “new way of living”. ”
Maybe it’s not about trying harder, working harder, being better– maybe it’s about Being Filled with the Spirit of God and allowing Him to flow through my life; changing me from the inside out.
It was like I got a letter from God that said:
Be filled- with the Spirit of God.
I don’t have to FILL my life with things to do!
I don’t have to FILL my life with things to BE!
I don’t have to let fear and worries fill me!
I just have to open up and BE FILLED with God’s Spirit! (easier said than done since I regularly try to do things on my own power! 😉 )
[Tweet “God’s Spirit is a FREE FILL UP of good things He gives for our #transformation. #HolySpirit #filling”]
There is only 1 Thing- 1 thing to chase after!
BE FILLED with the Spirit of God–
And as He pours into me- I want to learn to let it flow out.
Out of His abundance- He’ll provide the necessary to accomplish every need. His Spirit can weed out the “should do”, the “oughta do”, the “feel guilty unless I do” from the things He truly would like me to do/be.
So- for today at least 🙂 I’m throwing out my “to do list” and my impossible “be all to everyone list” and I’m just going to chase after one thing:
Father- let me BE FILLED- and continue to be filled- with your Holy Spirit today!
Surprising Treasure: God- the Maker of Heaven and Earth- our Creator- FREELY gives us His Spirit to FILL us with His presence and His power! WOW. Be FILLED!
Great post Cindy. I agree. The difference between a full life and a life filled by the Spirit is the difference between anxiety and peace. It is so very true–it’s about being filled with the Spirit of God and allowing Him to flow through my life; changing me from the inside out.
One of these days- I’m going to live more filled than striving!
Loved this post! And I agree with Jeff–it’s the difference between peace and anxiety.
Yes! It seems I’m continually learning to purposefully live in that peace instead of defaulting into that anxious- fast-paced-driven- get- er-done lifestyle.
That’s a thought-provoking question indeed.
It’s a continual lesson unfolding for me! 🙂