A great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12 After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper; a still small voice.”
I Kings 19:12
[Tweet “Advent is seeking God’s #presence in the still small voice of a baby. #Emmanuel”]
Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just SHOUT out loud to get our attention?
There is so much “noise” in our world. My mind is even noisy.
His whisper draws me closer. Away from the things that clamor for my attention. An escape from the commotion of each day. His whisper offers shelter from the storms- blessed quietness for my soul.
[Tweet “God’s #whispers of #Love + #peace draws us to Him-away from the dissonance in this world. #advent “]
Quiet myself. Be still my thoughts. God is whispering His love.
[Tweet “This noisy world can’t snuff out God’s celestial #whisper of Good Will Toward Men. #Advent”]
The Creator of the Universe-
The Messiah-
Savior of the World-
bowed to Mary’s womb;
Jesus is the wonderment of God in the whisper of a baby.
My weary heart wants Him to be louder- clearer in His directions. I want to hear His voice speak to my storms and command them to be still.
But He whispers and draws me close- comforting me with that still small voice : “I have come and I am still coming- I will not leave my creation lost and torn- I AM Redeemer and Restorer of all things. Peace. Be still.”
[Tweet “Make time for quiet moments- God #whispers and we are #healed. #Advent”]
So I wake up each morning and soak up the wonders of God’s whispers. The shadows of the morning are lit by Christmas lights. And I pray- I long- I thirst.
And in that sweet quietness- I’m cocooned from the world’s cacophony- and I hear His still, small whisper saying, “Fear Not. I am with you. I AM.”
Surprising Treasure: The penalty of our sins is death BUT The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
It is in the quiet that we hear God’s whisper. I love the sound of silence. 🙂
Me too, Lux. Being still- knowing He is God. blessings and have a wonderfilled Christmas if I don’t get to touch base with you again! hugs and blessings
Thank you so much for sharing the picture of God’s most surprising treasure! Really touched my heart of God’s amazing and deep love for us. Bless you!