Countdown to Black Friday and Merry Christmas has begun. I’ve even looked at pre-ads and made lists so I can “save” money by spending it wisely! 😉 But before the shopping games, the holiday feasts commence- Why not make a Merry Black Friday List?
I made a different list, and checked it twice,
I know I’m blessed by God and I want to be nice.
Sometimes our Christmas presents are meager but fun-
We gladly celebrate- God’s Holy Son!
This year before lots of presents are bought or they’re ordered
I’m determined I’m gonna do my best to pay my blessings forward!
[Tweet “God gave us everything, through the #gift of His Son- pass the #love #forward.”]
Bethany and Andie did some extra chores and earned money. Then we went shopping! Hot Wheels, socks, jump ropes, and hard candy are going to fill our Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoe Boxes! Just look at the joy on the face of those children!
Ring Those Bells~ All spare change goes in my purse or car to be given to Bethany or the grand kids when we’re out and about. We just can’t pass those merry bell ringers and the red Salvation Army bucket. It may be chump change to us but every penny makes a difference.
[Tweet “Make a Merry Black Friday List- #give #gifts that keep on #giving! #gratefulness”]
I usually buy Christmas presents and then make a donation.This year, I decided to make my Samaritan Purse Gift list for BEFORE I made my giving list for our family.

I clicked on the Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalog
In less than a minute of perusing the gift catalog, my heart was captured in the timeless truth- It is more blessed to give than receive.
[Tweet “It is more #blessed to #give than receive!” #BlackFriday #CHRISTmas #priorities”]
As I read about children and families sleeping outside after a storm, earthquake, or other disaster, I thought about “What If” it were us? What if those were my grandchildren?
[Tweet “God sent His Son 2 the whole world- follow His example and #give. #MerryBlackFriday”]
I spied warm, snuggly blankets for only $6.00 each! I quickly bought 11- in honor of our 11 grandchildren (yep- one more grandchild is on the way next year 🙂 )
So little money for so much benefit! 🙂
The next thing that made my heart beat faster was sponsoring a Medical Missionary Doctor!
Recently, our dentist had overwhelmed us with his generosity. Bethany was born without 6 permanent teeth. She just lost the last of her baby teeth and was left with a large gap on her left upper and a gap on her middle lower. The cost for bridges for Bethany would take us at least a year or two to save for. (can you say not covered by insurance?)
Our dentist- God bless Dr. Markway!!!- gifted Bethany bridges – and all the dental work- to make her smile beautiful! WHO DOES THAT? 🙂
[Tweet “If we don’t #transform the world- who? If not now- when? #MerryBlackFriday #giveJOYfully”]
Jeff and I decided sponsoring a Medical Missionary Doctor would be a great way to honor him and pay it forward!
[Tweet “No act of #kindness- no matter how #small is ever wasted! #MerryBlackFriday”]
Last thing on my Merry Black Friday Giving list. Finding something to donate in honor of our kids and their spouses!
It’s so hard to decide!!! Providing care for orphans? Food and warm clothing? Clean Water? We finally decided on a gift that keeps on giving! Chickens and Goats. 🙂 They not only provide much needed food but helps lift whole families out of poverty by their own work!
fresh eggs every day- some to eat and some to sell!
Awww- so cute! I want one!
I’ve made my list. I’ve checked it twice.
My heart feels full at such a small price
Such joy to share, with those in need
To do God’s word in thought and deed.
Have a Merry Black Friday! 🙂
Surprising Treasure- Luke 10:25- 35 NLt The Parable of the Good Samaritan
25 One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit eternal life?”
26 Jesus replied, “What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?”
27 The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”[a]
28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you will live!”
29 The man wanted to justify his actions, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
insert- The Parable of the Good Samaritan-
36 “Now which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by bandits?” Jesus asked.
37 The man replied, “The one who showed him mercy.”
Then Jesus said, “Yes, now go and do the same.”
This is beautiful, Cindy!!!! Love these ideas and I love your heart.
I was picking up pizza for our family on Halloween. The young man behind the counter wished me “A happy holiday!” I was kind of caught off guard… It put into perspective the responsibility I have in wishing everyone “A happy holiday” and a “Merry Christmas,” emphasizing Merry CHRISTmas.
I am in complete awe of you…as usual.
I love your heart. I love everything about you.
thanks for inspiring me. Thanks for spreadingJOY and inspiring others!