Recently, my hubby, Jeff got to have his meniscus repaired on his knee.
What a hurtful blessing!
Knee surgery hurt for the time being but the end result is going to be worth the pain.
[Tweet ““Change comes with pain… But this pain later becomes a gain”]
Of course, the medjusin (medicine) was great too- as the pictures above testify. Jeff was flying high in the recovery room. I walked in and he smiled a goofy smile.
His eyes lit up when he saw me and then he said with exaggerated awe ,
“Cindy! Guess What? I got to solve aaaaalllll the world’s problems!” he giggled and then sighed. “Then they woke me up.”
LOL!!! He was delusional 🙂 Under the influence of a mind altering substance.
What a great dream! To solve all the world’s problems. Don’t we all want to fix the world and make it a better place to live?
We all have ideas about how we could make it better. But it’s not that simple. Too many people with too many solutions with too many opinions end up creating chaos and confusion.
It’s not just that political leaders and governments can’t agree on how to “teach the world to sing in peace and harmony”- Even Christians don’t agree on everything.
But when (Jesus) THE LIGHT comes back – darkness and confusion won’t stand a chance.
When (Jesus) THE TRUTH comes back- He alone will decide what is noble, just, and pure.
God has promised His Kingdom will come- His will be done- on earth as it is in heaven! Many people believe that Jesus coming back to establish His kingdom is metaphorical. There is staggering evidence to prove to our inquiring minds- Bible prophecies are accurate.
Unique among all books ever written, the Bible accurately foretells specific events-in detail-many years, sometimes centuries, before they occur. Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2000 of which already have been fulfilled to the letter—no errors.- quote Dr. Hugh Ross- Reasons to Believe
The Bible tells us when we see an increase of famines, wars, diseases, earthquakes, nations rising up against nations, Israel becoming a nation, a move toward a One World Government, a falling away of believers in God- this was a sign that the one very corrupt “kingdom” is falling and God’s kingdom is about to explode on the world scene.
Jesus said, “When you see these things happening- Look up- your redemption draws near.”
[Tweet “Look up! Your #redemption draws near. #Jesus”]
God’s Kingdom is unfolding with every breath we take.
Salvation is here and it is coming in fullness.
ALL nations will bow and worship when they see the King of Kings coming in glory. That’s what the Bible says and I’m sticking with it! 😉
Unbelief or skepticism will not change this beautiful promise; His Kingdom is coming.
Nothing can stop it, slow it, hinder it, unravel it, undermine it, erase it.
He is coming!
In His time, in His way, in His glorious power;
There will be purity and holiness- the way He defines holiness.
There will be justice- as He defines justice.
There will be liberty- as He defines liberty.
There will be freedom- as He defines freedom.
He will be the King and every knee will bow.
Every one will stand before the great and glorious Ancient of Days- yes, Love will win AND Perfect Judgment will be executed. Nothing imperfect or sinful will remain. And of His government, there will be no end- on earth as it is in Heaven.
[Tweet ” The #kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our #Lord and He shall reign forever.” “]
How I needed this today, Cindy! I shared part of it and the link on my page. THANK YOU!
I needed it too! The news, this world unraveling, the hurt, the broken- I am daily reminding myself of His promises that His kingdom will prevail. Much love and hugs to you Serena! Sisters4ever
I love starting my day with a treasure from you….and from Him. And that giddy smile on Jeff’s face made me laugh.
Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well and your hubby is on the mend.
Blessings and hugs♥
All is well- Jeff makes me laugh all the time! His knee is mending, thanks and we’re on to the “next thing” in life. WHEW! 🙂
Even so, come Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! Maybe today, Lord, maybe today!
Maybe today. We are pressing on- step by step- soon we will behold His glory!
Love that you captured this moments in your blog! Such Truth, my friend.
I love that my man’s heart is always to “save” the world. But I’m gladder 😉 the Lord, Himself will accomplish it with a shout! hugs and blessings Julie
Funny what your hubby has to say. And a good thing the surgery was successful. Hoping for his speedy recovery.
Our God is glorious. 🙂
Thanks, Lux! It was too funny- but it served to emphasize to me how silly it is to think we could ever save the whole world- and yet sometimes we work so very “hard” at it. 🙂 I’m glad I’m a child in the Kingdom of God and He is the King.