I wasn’t sure I wanted to go see the new movie Inside Out.
The previews made me think it looked weird- but Bethany, Finley, and Cohen really wanted to go.
I was wrong about the movie.
Inside Out’s was amazing. (imho)
The main character was Riley, an 11 year old girl that is transitioning from joyful childhood to complicated adolescence. We are allowed an inside peek into Riley’s thoughts and experiences. We watch as her “emotions” work daily to create the core memories of her life. I was hooked the moment I met her main character- the emotion- JOY; who wanted to keep her girl happy.
Enter Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear
“Inside Out” beautifully portrayed that growing up is emotional; full of strands of joy and sadness that intertwine to make develop us into a full, authentic human being. No one is immune to emotions and their influence.
I cried. I laughed. I related. I was touched.
Beth and I actually want to see the movie again. 🙂
Like Riley, the core memories of my childhood are JOY.
Again, like Riley, challenges and disappointments began to increasingly color my world.
Enter new emotions: depression, sadness, fear, loneliness, sense of loss, worry.
Yet again, like Riley, growing up brings new emotions that are more complex.
Instead of judging or fighting my emotions, what if I acknowledged my feelings and laid them before the Lord and asked Him what to do with the whole kit-n-caboodle????
[Tweet “Life is not all #joy. Neither is it all sadness. #Life is #Bittersweet. #trust “]
There is an exquisite dance in life: sorrow leads to joy, darkness turns to light, ashes are transformed to beauty, understanding replaces worry, grieving matures into peace….
Without them all- the good, the bad, and the ugly- I would not have compassion for others, an eternal perspective, nor would I have learned to lean on God for my strength!
And when I lay myself self bare- authentic and fragile- before the Lover of my Soul- He confirms and transforms every tear, joy, sigh, laugh, fear, worry, and longing.
[Tweet “God’s #grace #transforms us from the #inside out! #journey”]
So friends, my benediction to you today is this:
May the Lord increase His glory in you from the inside out!
Surprising Treasures: “And Jesus wept.”
He felt what we feel, weeping with those who wept , rejoicing, laughing, having compassion, feeling tired and discouraged.
Jesus experienced EVERY FEELING COMMON TO MAN but allowed the Holy Spirit to guide Him through everything.
I loved it and wanted to see it from the very first preview.
I love how JOY had to realize that sadness was actually ok.
I tell people all the time that the old saying “crying doesn’t make you feel better” is a lie and it DOES!
I think everyone should see this movie.
Thanks for the smile.
I think we focused on the same nugget- JOY had to realize that sadness was actually ok! So many times in my Christian walk I’ve wasted time and energy trying to suppress or stuff my feelings instead of acknowledging them for what they are- feelings. Hugs and blessings Marie- you sweet Joy spreader!
As Christians, whenever we grieve, we grieve with hope. Interesting, how sadness can become a “redemptive” emotion. On this side of glory sadness is an unavoidable part of the human condition. Awesome how God works, even in grief and loss. Inside Out is not a Christian movement. But I find it intriguing how many recent films show someone giving their life for another… Inside Out has that theme in it as well. I wonder where they got that idea? 🙂
I didn’t even mention that sacrificial aspect! I loved that part too! I am going to have to see it again. 🙂
Your surprising treasure (“in the dark places”), as well as the comments, has me boo-hooing at the beauty of the message. Would we appreciate the joy of good health as much, if we had no experience of being sick? Would we treasure love as the haven of joy it is, if we had no run-in with hatefulness? So “in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus” for us. Oh, what a life! 🙂 Thank you, once again, dear Cindy and all!
Oh, what a life! God could have made us without emotions but we are created in His image and God feels and discerns what He is feeling! Your insights are spot on! Perhaps this is part of our redemption- if we never knew how horrible it was to be separated from God- we would not know how to fully rejoice in His presence…..
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