[Tweet “Want Blessings? Go to God’s fountain and let blessings flow from Him- to us- to others.”]
Blessings don’t come as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They come with knowing we are in God’s care with every breath we take.
When I was little, I used to sing the Doxology. Praise God from whom all blessings flow——
It’s taken me many years to understand that ALL life, gifts, and blessings flow from the hand of God. Basically, if we are alive- we are blessed. And whether I understand it or not at the time, many blessings come incognito; their glory hidden until God’s appointed day.
Life sends us confusing messages- if something bad happens, we’re cursed. If something good happens we’re lucky.
ummm- NOT.
As a believer in a GOOD GOD who actively works all things for my good and His glory- I finally am resting in the knowledge that
[Tweet “We are blessed because we are His! Nothing can or will ever separate us from His love. “]
He is for us, not against us. He came to save us and redeem us from death, hell, and the grave.
He is 1000% committed to transforming and restoring me- and you!
This ACTIVE PROMISE of His good blessing is this:
[Tweet “When His blessings flow TO us- His blessings can’t help but flow THROUGH us.”]
Prayer: Father- help us understand we need to go to You- and receive your blessings. Help us realize blessings from “things” or “people” are temporary but your blessings are eternal. Help us live and move in Your presence. Praise You God- from whom all blessings flow! Flow to us and through us to this lost, and hurting world. Amen.
Surprising Treasures: Luke tells us, “Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back–given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity” (Luke 6:38 MSG).
Blessings don’t come as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. They come with knowing we are in God’s care with every breath we take.
yes! we are blessed…..
“We are blessed because we are His! Nothing can or will ever separate us from His love.” Oh, I like that, Cindy. Thank you!
🙂 the greatest blessing is this- He wants us, loves us, is committed to making everything in life come out for our good and His glory! Amazing God! #blessed
Hi Cindy,
Joining with you in praising our wonderful God Thankful for His blessings..