On the daily circus of picking up kids from school and taking them to assorted places, I drove from elementary and middle schools, to finally arrive at the high school to pick up Spencer. He’s been recovering from a broken collar bone so he’s missed some days for surgery and recovery. 🙁 I asked him how school was and if he was caught up yet. (If you didn’t read about what an amazing hero Spencer is- click here for the story)
“How was your day, Spence?”
“It was a bummer! One of my teachers gave me a study guide and assured me if I just studied it I would ace the test. But the test had completely different questions than the information given on the study guide!” 🙁
He had diligently studied and felt betrayed when he took the test. The study guide gave great information, but when it came right down to it, none of the information was given so he could succeed!
[Tweet “God never hides the #answers to #life- You can find them in the #Bible. #LifeHack”]
I’ve never understood teachers who make it difficult for kids to learn. There are great teachers that teach the material and want you to know the answers so you can succeed- and then there are other teachers 🙁 It makes you wonder if “they” know the material or are they just trying to be tricky?
On a side note, I’ve noticed one perk of Bethany having a disability- She’s only had teachers that teach her what she NEEDS to know. Everyone knows she needs to be taught the answer, over and over again, so she can learn it.
It’s basic, honest, productive Teaching 101:
[Tweet “God is the Good Teacher that wants us to know the #answers to #life!”]
He wants us to know the answers. He doesn’t trick us or hide the truth. He wants us to ace the test. He’s given us the Bible that expounds answers about thousands of life’s most important questions. You may not like His answers or revelations but He certainly doesn’t hide His opinion or wisdom from us! 🙂
For the God seeker, the knowledge of God is the knowledge of truth. ” So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, `If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. ‘”(Jn. 8:31-32)
[Tweet “Truth is the key to living a life of freedom and love is the key to living abundantly.”]
Knowing the love of Christ is greater than knowledge. Paul wrote, ” And to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3:19)
I’m so thankful God wants us to KNOW the truth and KNOW His love! Ask Him anything, He wants you to know the truth.
So become a student and learn from our Heavenly Father. God’s Teaching 101:
Truth- Learn Truth- Apply Truth to Life!
Surprising Treasures: John 14:6 NLT
6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.
I love this: ” And to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” (Eph. 3:19) Even little ones can respond to the love of Jesus, and He leads us into the Truth. Searching the Scriptures, like the Bereans, is my Bible study goal, to get past human interpretations and let the Holy Spirit teach me. What a thrill to discover His treasures, directly, rather than accepting what someone else thinks! I feel bad for Spencer. I hope he can make an appeal and overcome the obstacle he was given, a bummer indeed.
Yes, Edy! I love that the Spirit of God leads us into His truth and the light overcomes the darkness! What a wonderful God we have! Patient and full of mercy, allowing us to discover His manifold glory. hugs
Answers can be found in God’s Word. Yes!
I love that He gives us the answers before we need them! His Word is true! hugs and blessings Misty! Thanks for stopping by!
My favorite and most helpful education professor in college invited each one of us individually to his desk. On his desk was an open grade book. (Pre-computer days.) There, written beside my name, was an A.
“This is yours,” Dr. Cherukian whispered.. “Do the work and you’ll keep it.”
I was very grateful and very motivated. I kept the A that I had not initially earned.
Grace first. Grateful works of faith follow faith.
The Lord really does want us to succeed. It begins with His gift of grace.
On this side of eternity we may not know all the answers, but we can know the One who does!
I LOVE this story! What a good teacher. On the flip side- God is even awesomer- 🙂 He says- “this is yours” paid for and insured by my Son. He is going to make sure you receive your unmerited gift of eternal life- there’s no way you could earn it. 😉 hugs
Bible. Our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. May we learn all we can from it so we can ace the test the way our Teacher wants us to. Wonderful post!
Lux!!!! I love that acronym for Bible! It’s full of treasure and wisdom- knowledge and comfort! How good God is to withhold NOTHING from us- He gave us His Son, His Word, His promises! Wow- what a Savior! hugs and blessings
Stopping by from #bloggercaregroup. I too have experienced my children not being taught what they needed to know in order to do certain homework. I am so thankful for God’s Word, that directs and guides us through the dark places in our life. Thank you for sharing and have a blessed weekend.
FACTS—-LEARN FACTS—-APPLY FACTS TO LIFE) This formula will work every time since it is God breathed. Good post, glad I stopped by from Deb blog.
Hi, Cindy, stopping by from the blogger care group as well! 🙂
I love the formula-Facts-Learn Facts-Apply Facts to Life, so easy and simple. I wish all of life was this way.
I know it’s oversimplfied because life is anything but simple- BUT there are so many times God shows me the answers in His Word and I even know what to do- (ie- not worry, give thanks, seek first His kingdom) but the difficult part for me is APPLYING those truths and living in them. hugs and blessings Alecia! Happy Thanksgiving!
I’d never thought of it this way, but you are absolutely right! I too am thankful that God is a good teacher.
Thanks Carrie- I get so irritated at these kind of teachers! But then the Lord spoke to my heart- I am not like that! I want you to know the truth- I want you to succeed! Hallelujah!