Life Hacks- How to go from Distressed to DE-Stressed
Are you Distressed? or in the process of becoming De-Stressed?
I’ve been chewed up, beat up, and spit out by Stress. Some days, I’m a walking “distressed” mess. I’m sure you’ve had daily battles yourself!
Here’s some great Life Hacks to fight Stress and it’s evil minions; anxiety and worry. I have to take targeted action to strip their power to take me down for the count.
Of course there are the typically touted stress busters; get more sleep, get more exercise, eat better. 🙂 Great- do them too!
But for the “invisible” force that is causing our stress- there are some God given LIFE HACKS we can implement to render stress impotent.
Here’s my fav top 4 Life Hacks for De-stressing!
1) Music-
Some people like to soak in a bubble bath.
I take a long soak in “God music”.
Not just any music will do- If I want to deal a death blow to stress- if I want to de-stress-
I have to begin lifting up praises! *the opposite of worry. If I want the worry circus in my mind to stop- I have to refocus my attention on the God who made it all and freely gives me His love, forgiveness, grace, and joy.
I carefully compile songs that are inspiring. It’s how I self medicate. 🙂
It really is healing to my spirit. Each song begins to unravel my anxiety.
Better than Calgon- it takes me away to His still waters of refreshing.
The worse the stress- the more the music. For me, TV, movies, and reading don’t hold a candle to the power of soaking up God’s presence and promises through God Music.
Current Soaker List can be found on my YouTube Channel under Favorites.
2) Mediate on the Word.
I start re-filling my mind with God’s truths.
This comes from Joshua 1:8 It’s not TM or yoga meditation where you clear your mind. In fact, it’s the opposite. I start filling my mind!
It’s allowing God’s words of truth to replace the lies and discouragements of this life. I have my favorite default verses; ie Psalm 23, Romans 8, Psalm 139, Psalm 100, Psalm 119, Rev 22
I also try to meditate on a specific verses. I love the Hebrew root word for meditate is “To ruminate, roll over in the mind, analyze, study, imagine, and muse.” My mind does that constantly- so I’d better train it to mediate on treasure and life- instead of trash. lol
My Current Verse I’m meditating on: John 1:16- Out of His fullness- we have ALL received Grace upon Grace.
3) Limit Trash and Twaddle.
Without God’s thoughts- I think stressed.
There is a some great educational, informational, inspiring good entertainment and books out there. There’s also a TON of garbage in the form entertainment or social media. It dulls my mind and distracts but it doesn’t change the core of how I think.
I even have to be careful how much news I watch! It has power to fills me with fear and dread.
Purge your life from Soul/Mind Pollution!
I’ve come to see I don’t have time, nor am I strong enough to have my mind or spirit – to be assaulted with non-helpful information overload. It pollutes my mind at best- at worst it poisons my thinking.
Twaddle is different from trash. It’s useless information that drains my brain. Both trash and twaddle- I have to carefully monitor. I’m learning to refuse it access to my neurons. Reject the lure of sparkling but meaningless clutter.
4) Prayer
Prayer is the KEY that lifts our eyes and positions our hearts, to the Only One who can and will help us out of our distresses.
I used to think prayer meant praying before a meal or at bedtime.
It’s taken me a long time to learn to honestly talk to God from my heart. One time someone said, “God knows what you’re thinking anyway- why not tell Him?” So I try to.
Now, I tell Him all about my good or bad days, my crazy thoughts, my fears, my worries, my rejoicing, my thanksgiving, my questions, my dreams, and my frustrations.
It’s not only talking to my Heavenly Father but getting in “tune” with what He’s saying back. That means being still. And quiet. And taking a break from this overcharged, noisy world.
He speaks primarily through the Bible, His love letter and words of Life. But, He also speaks through the kind words of others. He is the still small voice that whispers comfort and truth. I hear Him declaring His Love everywhere I look; the sun and trees, the seasons; all of creation is God speaking.
Sometimes, I’m just too distressed-
too busy-
too distracted-
to hear His words of comfort.
[Tweet “”LIFE HACK” Cry Out 2 God-ALL who are stressed and anxious.He will deliver you and give you rest.”]
If I’m not feeling light and easy- if stress is churnin in my brain- then I need to activate every weapon in my arsenal to defeat the thing that chokes out the joy in living.
What about you?
What are your favorite songs or God Words to think about that help you move from distressed to de-stressed?
I’d love for you to share them with us!
Surprising Treasures: Matthew 11:28 – The Message- Bible Gateway
28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
As one of our friends says, “God’s Word is God’s medicine.” And, I see that you and I share some favorites. 🙂 You have given us the best of remedies for overcoming distress. I sure appreciate you!
I appreciate you too Edy! I didn’t even know what a life hack was- this article was entitled How to go from distressed to de-stressed- and then I talked to our son Josh- he was telling me about “life hacks”! 🙂 I was taken by the new word- gotta love culturally new vocabulary, eh? Anyway- the truth is still the same- only the Lord has tried and true ways to deliver us from this stressful world we live in. hugs Edy-
Yes! Agreed hon! I can only watch/read/inform myself a limited amount of the culture around me- or it can take me down to discouraged and afraid. 😉
Everyone defines “Twaddle and Trash” differently, but it’s out there. I am a current event junkie and culture watcher. Overdone these can go to twaddle and trash like dominoes.
Great post Cindy.
The Word, prayer and music— yes. Always yes.