Bethany is B-U-S-Y celebrating her 14th birthday. LOL- with 3 different parties! That girl knows how to celebrate!
Growing up brings milestones of accomplishments mixed joy and tears. Learning to driving, graduating, college, finding employment and a sense of purpose and decision on how to “spend” your life, in vocation, calling, and perhaps marriage, and children.
But it’s never far from my mind that Special Needs present Special Challenges.
Growing up down syndrome- we’re learning every step of the way!
What will Beth’s growing up look like, I wonder?
Ready or not- Here itcomes!
Some days I wish I could keep her little and just protect her.
What will she think/do when she discovers there’s a prenatal test to get rid of people like her?
I hope inclusion becomes something of the heart instead of a mandate.
I hope in her lifetime there is a cure for Alzheimers. (stats that say 1 out of 4 adults with down syndrome will develop Alzheimers.)
I hope that people will still love and adore her when she’s a child in an adult body. So far, I’ve observed “cute” and “special” aren’t words used with grownups that have disabilities. The smiles for children become replaced by rolled eyes and thinly veiled tolerance for adults.
Then of course, there are the big- What IFS? What if she never drives, or gets a fulfilling job, or marries ????????
As my thoughts give way to anxiety and panic begins to bloom, God says to my mind and my spirit
Well, I’ll be the first one to admit, my thoughts are not always lovely, pure, and excellent!
What is true?
[Tweet “The #truth is God loves us with an everlasting #love that can never be squashed.”]
The truth is God has plans for Bethany-
for all of us-
Plans with a hope for the future.
Think on these things: the truth
God made us.
He will be with us.
He is committed to us with a love we can’t comprehend.
He will carry us.
[Tweet “The #truth is God is for us! #Bible #promises”]
Think on these things: the Truth
He promises to “sandwich us” throughout our whole life.
Psalm 139- He goes before us- and behind us (see a sandwich! we’re in the middle 😉 )
And His hand of blessing is on our head.
[Tweet “God goes before u, behind u, and His hand of #blessing is on your head. #truth”]
Growing up any way can be challenging- down syndrome, disability, or not.
But when I think on “these things”- I’m going to think the Truth!
Surprising Treasures: I’m going to believe God’s Love is an Open Door. 🙂 Enjoy this video made for Bethany’s birthday by
Micah and Adrienne made with their girls, Mataya and Lydia
Happy Birthday Bethany!! You are a beautiful child of God!! Big plans have already been made for you and only God knows what your future holds!! Whatever your journey is it will be amazing and you will ROCK IT ALL OF THE WAY!!
You- Dawn- are such a blessing and encouragement in Bethany’s (and ours). Thanks for all you do! We appreciate you!
Thank you for sharing from your heart. I know the earthly future may not be sure for Bethany, but I often remind myself that this life is but a pinprick in all of eternity. One day Bethany will be perfect and whole forever. What a glorious day that will be, but I do understand your earthly mother’s heart. May God send Bethany special angels to guide and guard her footsteps each and every year of her adult life and pave the road before her.
Thank you so much Earleen. Your words are a comfort and encouragement to me! You’re so right! Thank you for praying for her!!!! Love you!
Our son Alex’s 6 Birthday celebration is coming up this Saturday! He would have been 6 years old. He was one of the kids with Down Syndrome who was born with a hole in his heart! After open heart surgery at 4 months and many medical problems God saw fit to take him home one night 2 1/2 years ago when he was only 3 1/2 years old. I watched your video and read the post about your beautiful daughter and cried for joy for you and another milestone in your daughters life! Don’t take any of the days for granted because each and every moment is a gift from almighty God! We are happy for others in their journey with their precious children and we too wonder! What would he look like? What would he be doing?
Would I end up in jail for killing the people who made fun of him? We are getting used to the new normal without his happy Taa Daaa! I tell you this not to make you sad or for your sympathy but to remind everyone that life is a vapor and to fully appreciate and savor every moment! Live like you were dying! With passion and purpose!
Yesterday is past and gone. Don’t live there. The future is also unknown don’t live there! This moment is the only life we have and it is a gift from God that is why it is call the “present”
Blessings on you and your family!
Eric & Lisa Pegler
July 24, 2014 at 3:47 pm (Edit)
Dear Eric and Lisa,
You have lost so much. I’m so sorry! Bethany is sunshine in our lives and I don’t know what we’d do without her. Our little girl, Kristin, went to be with the Lord when she was 2. It leaves a wound only God can heal.
Every moment is a gift. And you’re right- I need to live in the present. However, we are in a transition stage with Bethany. At 14, we are beginning to look toward her future: what can we do to maximize her chances for employment and semi-independence. All these weighty responsibilities weren’t even on my radar when she was little. I’m just praying and processing how to help Bethany grow up into adulthood- it’s so very different than with our other children. And as her mom, I need to prepare for her future- I don’t want her to be lost in the cracks of society without meaningful, purposeful plans for her life.
Thanks for sharing your heart. May the Lord bless and keep you- may He make His face shine upon you and give you peace.
Happy Birthday Bethany !! Thank you all for sharing your love as well as your beautiful family !! You have been blessed with the best family ever Bethany!!
Thank you so much Deshawn! I’ll show her your Birthday wishes! Oh how she loves Birthdays! 🙂 Blessings to you and yours!
Dear Eric and Lisa,
You have lost so much. I’m so sorry! Bethany is sunshine in our lives and I don’t know what we’d do without her. Our little girl, Kristin, went to be with the Lord when she was 2. It leaves a wound only God can heal.
Every moment is a gift. And you’re right- I need to live in the present. However, we are in a transition stage with Bethany. At 14, we are beginning to look toward her future: what can we do to maximize her chances for employment and semi-independence. All these weighty responsibilities weren’t even on my radar when she was little. I’m just praying and processing how to help Bethany grow up into adulthood- it’s so very different than with our other children. And as her mom, I need to prepare for her future- I don’t want her to be lost in the cracks of society without meaningful, purposeful plans for her life.
Thanks for sharing your heart. May the Lord bless and keep you- may He make His face shine upon you and give you peace.
Lots of (((Hugs))) your way as the Lord leads and guides you and your family!! Happy, Happy Birthday, Bethy!! You are such a beautiful girl… both inside and out. I love to see your smiling face… the Lord shines through!! 🙂
Lvyou, Cindy ♥
Thanks Mid! I don’t know where time flies! One day in His kingdom, we’re going to get to know each other- laugh, cry, hug, and sip some tea or coffee! Love you sister! May God continue to stir His flame and giftings within you to advance His kingdom! hugs
Ooooooooooooooh, I love this post! Such a message for all of us, to just STOP! Love the artwork, the message, and especially the video!
Thanks, Cindy. 🙂 🙂 🙂
God is going to train my brain yet! I’m so glad He tells me to stop- then He reboots my thoughts with His promises! I loved that video- Bethany has watched it over 30 times. She ( and all of her nieces and nephews) love the movie FROZEN so she loved that video clip. Hugs to you sweet sister- hope you’re having a wonderful summer! I’m off to read your post! <3
Happy happy celebrating, Bethany! Just think, each moment is a “present” in the presence of Jesus.
Your thoughts, here, are precious from beginning to end, Cindy. How much we all need these reminders on a regular basis. Makes me think of the momentous gospel song “I look not back.” Each stanza is so pertinent as it leads up to the final one: “But, I look up into the face of Jesus….” More at May the peace that passes understanding flood your soul with joy unspeakable in anticipation of all God has in store! 🙂 What an adventure! Hugs and love from me to you, dear girl.
I look forward to your faithful, encouraging, insightful comments Edy! You always add so much treasure! I look not back- I look up! Keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus- the only way I can run this race with perseverance and hope! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being here to encourage me!
The other day I was watching some of Beth’s peers being mean and disrespectful to each other. Beth tried to referee. She wasn’t able to say or do anything to make them stop. Treating another person in a mean-spirited way is foreign to Bethany’s hard-wiring. (Not to say Beth is perfect. She needs Jesus like the rest of us. She can be frustratingly stubborn in her routines.) But sometimes I think we will become more like Bethany, than Bethany will become more like us, as we all become more like Jesus in our resurrected state.
Maybe that’s why some people are allowed to be “uncomplicated”- it’s a visual lesson for us to stop our dog eat dog, climb the ladder, step on whoever- mentality- and observe- uncomplicated love.