We won’t ever be a perfect mother.
But when we live in God’s LOVE, we’re given SUPER POWERS!
Love will flow from God’s heart through ours and SUPERcede our mistakes.
[Tweet “[Tweet ” “Love is from God, for God is Love. When we live in Love, we are given Super Powers.”]
Becoming a mother refocus your priorities and purpose in life! Daily, you begin to see what’s SUPERficial and what is truly SUPER!
Moms have access to SUPER strength; On call 24/7- Love finds a way to find treasure in the mundane, perseverance through the difficult, and hope in the impossible.
Moms are blessed with the determination and creativity to build a home environment that becomes the SUPERcenter of your family.
Moms are gifted with SUPER vision; it’s true that we have eyes in the back of our heads and can “see” accidents before they happen!
Moms are granted SUPER hearing; learning to discern our child’s heart even when there are no words spoken.
Mother’s hearts stretch until they are SUPERsized; able to love more, expand more, care more, and stand more than we ever though possible!
Moms aren’t SUPERhuman- we’re SUPER real. Like the Velveteen Rabbit, the longer you’ve been a mom, the “realer” you become. Loving well and being well loved takes us to our realest form! A mother’s “form” becomes so thin- to better let God’s love shine through.
Moms work so hard they sometimes forget where there Super Powers come from. Remember to recharge and plug in to the source of our super powers! 🙂 Reading God’s Word and letting Him fill our heart with His love, SUPERcharges us with never giving up, life changing Love.
Bless all you moms out there! You are truly SUPER!
What a beautiful gift for moms, Cindy! THANK YOU!
Hugs Serena! Happy Mother’s Day! You are SUPER!
thanks Serena- maybe when we get to be grandmas- nana’s mimi’s we have two capes! 🙂 hugs
Cindy has capes for every occasion! Super mom indeed!