Children with “Special Needs”,
most important “need”,
is to be introduced to and
grow in the knowledge
of God as their Heavenly Father!
*just like everyone else 🙂
Don’t believe the lie that someone who is limited or challenged in the area of intellect- cannot experience God. We are all born limited in some ways but God delights in revealing His self to His children! He is Spirit and Truth and He can and will reveal Himself in manifold ways! (I just love that word-“manifold!”)
The Truth?
Introducing our children to God is our premiere parental responsibility-
and privilege- and honor- and adventure.
Children: Jesus said- “For such is the kingdom of God.” Children with special needs need special explanation. Because each and every person is created in God’s image- ALL people (disability or not) can know God and grow in the knowledge of His love and grace.
1) Simple Truth
When Bethany was born, we didn’t know what she would be able to learn. To me- it was paramount she would learn and understand-Â 1) she was created by God for His purposes and glory and 2) she had a Heavenly Father who loved her absolutely.
Simplify the concepts into foundational beliefs that no one and nothing can talk them out of!
God is perfect Love.
God made you!
The whole human race is fallen- broken- sinful- from God’s perfect world.
God’s Love is greater than anything and He made a plan to save His children and make them whole and complete.
God sent His Son- Jesus- to save us. He died on the cross, was buried, and then raised to life again- so we could live forever with Him.
We can know Him through His Word and by talking to Him.
He wants us to love Him and love others.
When we walk in God’s ways, we are full of joy.
2) Repetition
I can’t say it enough 🙂 Make it fun- clear and memorable!!! Repeat- Repeat- Repeat it again! Make it part of your life!Deuteronomy 11:19 18″You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. 19″You shall teach them to your sons and daughters, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. 20″You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates,…
3) Visual Reinforcement
Visual Story Bibles, DVD’s (Doughnut Man, SuperBook, Bible apps for the phone/kindle/ipad), puppets, crafts, books…… Especially when a child has limitations/specialneeds- It’s imperative to orchestrate and create their environment with visual lessons that reinforce spiritual truth and things that are lovely, pure, noble, and right. Bethany absorbs, memorizes, and copies habits, messages, & attitudes at an alarming rate- I curtail the “trash” and “twaddle” (worthless stuff)
I HIGHLY recommend The Jesus Story Book Bible and Rob Evans- Donut Man video Series.
4) Modeling
They are learning from us. They are watching. If I have a true, authentic, genuine, growing relationship with God- they will see and learn. And when we fail- and we will- be honest and say you were wrong. Model asking God for forgiveness and asking Him for help.
Can I be honest? If we aren’t modeling it- living it-Â if it’s not real to us- then I doubt our children will learn about God from us. But when we know God- and His goodness and patience, His forgiveness and unfailing love- sharing God with our children will be as natural as eating and breathing. Â Sunday School and church is a great addition to spiritual growth, but it’s only the icing on the cake!
5) Prayer
Prayer is so important. Encourage them to talk to God themselves. Keep track of prayers and answers to prayers! It’s so exciting to see how God helps us in the nitty gritty of life! He is not far off- He is close to those who seek Him. His Spirit will help them prayer and they will learn to hear God’s voice- just as He helps us grow!
Their Spirit can grow even if learning God’s word is difficult or information and facts are limited to a small understanding.
We are more than our brains- more than our abilities. God can open our hearts to His truths and surround us with His goodness. There is UNLIMITED capacity for someone to know and experience God’s presence and love!
Surprising Treasures: English Standard Version 3 John 1:4
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Cindy, thank you so much for this important reminder! You’ve done such a beautiful job here! And how precious these children are! How great our Father’s love for them! And yes, there is no greater joy than knowing your children are following HIm and immersing themselves in His Word! Love you and your family!! xox
Thank you Becky, for taking the time to comment! I used to “wonder”- why- why so many children had to “suffer” such brokenness. Now, I just wonder- I revel in the wonder of their childlike faith- their ability and capacity to love and overcome their challenges! God is over all- and able to deliver us through any challenge, limitations or disabilities this world throws at us- AND it’s our privilege to share His love and grace!
I know it is not Cindy’s intent to be the hero of her own blog… but I am so proud of her. Within weeks of Bethany’s diagnosis Cindy began doing all the things described in this article. There has been grief and moments of disappointment that Bethany was not like other children, but there has never been any looking back, only looking forward. Looking forward. Being proactive.
Children with “Special Needs”,
most important “need”,
is to be introduced to and
grow in the knowledge
of God as their Heavenly Father!
*just like everyone else 🙂
I’m thankful God uses imPerfect! He is awesome and beyond good!
Ohhhh, Cindy. This picture of Bethany. Just exquisite, along with your post.
Thank you Julie! God is so amazing- and that He wants us to KNOW Him and experience His love- that is beyond amazing! hugs