It’s bedtime again. The end of yet another day. I still tuck Bethany in at night, even though she’s 13, because that’s when we ramble about the adventures of her day and what excitement and responsibilities await her the next day. Then we pray- and dream.
I lay in her bed, rubbing her back. Sometimes, reviewing a Bible verse, or laughing about something silly that happened, or listening as she laments that she doesn’t want to go to school tomorrow. I assure her, everyone feels like that. I tell her she is tired and needs to rest. I promise she will feel like going to school in the morning- and if she doesn’t feel like it- she’ll get up and go anyway and then she’ll be glad she did.
Almost every night, I am challenged. Challenged to give her words of truth and hope. I will not lie to her to make her feel better. Sometimes, I wish we could just say the bedtime prayer I was taught to pray and that it would be enough. Sometimes, I wish for simple.
If you’ve read my blog for long, you know how much Bethany wants- make that craves, dreams about, pretends, wishes, and prays for two things:
1) a baby and
2) to get married.
It borders on obsessive. She prays for a baby or a husband almost every night. I steady my heart to balance the truth with her dreams.
Time will only tell if marriage is part of God’s plan for her future. 🙂 I hope so. I believe there is someone for Bethany to love and be loved.
But motherhood is not. She has down syndrome. She won’t be able to have a baby. She won’t be able to be a mother. BUT, I hasten to soften the truth, with the fact that God sees the desires of her heart.
I am 100% convinced He’ll make a way for her to be around children and nurture them. Thank heaven, she has 0 nieces and nephews and who knows how many more on the way? 🙂
Last night, we cuddled and she prayed. “God, I just want someone. Somebody who loves me. Someone just mine. I want to get married like Moriah.”
Bethany’s life is full to the overflowing with people who love her. But she craves more.
Don’t we all?
The truth is, even if we find that special “someone” to share our lives with, we still yearn for more. We can be surrounded by love and yet still ache and long for completion.
[Tweet “We ache for the #love only our #Creator can lavish upon us. #GodsLove”]
We are created with an empty space I believe can only be filled by the SomeOne who made us and loves us beyond what we can dream or imagine.
[Tweet “Beyond our best #dreams, God is there, waiting to #fill us with His #love.”]
So I tell her, “I know, Bethany! We can pray that God will bring that special someone at the right season of your life-but you have a lot of growing up to do first. The awesomest thing is- God is our special SomeOne who never leaves you! Ever! You have Him with you all the time and He loves you more than you can imagine! He is your special SomeOne right now and forever!”
She begins to drift off to dreamland, satisfied with my answer- at least for tonight.
But I am awake.
I’m praying that God will fill all of our emptiness and craving with His never stopping, never ending, never giving up, amazing love.
The picture above is taken from the book- The Bed Time Sh’ma
Surprising Treasures: Psalm 36:7 New International Version
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
Dearest Cindy – your writing plunges to the depths of my heart. Bethany is so blessed to have you, the Lord’s special vessel through which He pours out His treasure. I love you all to pieces! Thank you!
I am ever thankful for the treasure of Bethany- because of her, I have to take a deep look at my faith- and repeat it- test it- repeat it and thereby He is building in me an unshakeable joy and knowing of Him- He is good, kind, patient, merciful, and He is Love! Bethany proves it to me every day!
Dear Cindy,
Please pray for the Christian couple Grace and Matthew Huang who are being held against their will in prison following the death of their special needs daughter. Thanks so much! More info:
Oh Father God- I lift up this couple- Grace and Matthew- you are all wise- Sovereign and All Knowing! Let Your truth and peace prevail and move on this couple’s behalf. May you set the captives and minister to their hearts!
Last night, after youth group, Bethany walked up to me and a group of other dads and announced- “I love God. A lot!” Kinda of left the guys speechless. I was so proud. Bethany is a gift! Her hopes and dreams keep me hoping and dreaming too!
simplicity at it’s finest-
Cindy, to this day, I treasure how you and Jeff helped birth a foundation of Christ in my life by teaching me, ever so patiently and lovingly, the Word of God. You spoke about it when you laid down and when you rose up. You continued speaking of it when you came in and when you went out. You have meant so much to me and continue to hold a very precious place in my heart.
awwww- Pam. I am humbled and blessed that you think we taught you anything. God is so good to us, isn’t He? Building us, stretching us, transforming us! Even if we err- He lovingly corrects and guides us into truth. You will always have a special place in my heart, too! hugs and blessings!
Just wanted you to know I’m reading your lovely words. Loved this one. Just feels so safe and sound. Blessings!
Sweet Julie- thank you for taking time to not only read, but comment. His Word is our comfort and strength. Blessings and hugs.