Hustling into the bedroom, determined to “hurry” Bethany along so we could get to school on time, I stopped abruptly.
Bethie was sitting in the middle of the floor, still in her pajamas, sporting a blonde wig.
“Beth- you need to get dressed for school.”
“This is what I’m wearing today mom. I decided.”
“Well, today is Friday. If you want to get McDonald’s sausage burrito this morning, you’ll get dressed, lose the wig, and be ready to go in five minutes. If you don’t, you lose that reward.”
I walked out of the room.
Five minutes later we were on our way to McDonalds.
Maybe you don’t agree with reward and consequences parenting, but hear me out. 🙂
Until Bethany came into our lives, I didn’t build in enough rewards and celebration for good behavior. I mainly focused on what would happen if they didn’t obey. Before Bethany, I tended to think of “rewards” as bribes. But now I believe that rewards are better motivation than the threat of consequences.
In the Bible, God clearly defines expectation of behavior. He makes it crystal clear what the blessing and rewards of good choices are and the consequences of bad choices are.
He never bribes us, but He does reward us- and sometimes, he lets us reap the consequences of our decisions. Always- His Grace and Love triumph over us.
During the instruction process, He is perfectly good, never wavering in His absolute, unconditional love for us. His plans are for our good- plans to prosper us, not to bring us harm.
Special Needs bring a whole new challenge to discipline and training, teaching your children to learn and comply.
It’s a complicated mess that I don’t believe can be solved with “Because I said so!” or punitive anger. He doesn’t force us to comply, get into a shouting match or power struggle.
Our Father, God, is not one of “those” parents you see in the store- angry, irritated, frustrated with their child- yelling and threatening but never giving any rewards or consequences. God offers us choices and transforms our behavior through His loving wisdom. And there is always reward at the end!
For us, this approach works extremely well for Bethany. She gets to choose. We have built in daily rewards and loss of rewards to “help” her in her decisions.
ie- getting dressed and going to school on time results in going through McDonalds on Friday for a burrito.
ie- not getting ready for bed results in losing the privilege of the computer the whole next day.
I’m prepared for the hundred little things that she may decide to balk at during the day. ie like getting a blonde wig and deciding to go to school in her pajamas.
Thankfully, rewards won over loss of rewards that time. 🙂 And when her decisions result in loss of privileges, she’s the winner then too!
Because she is truly learning that her choices matter; and that she needs to choose to do what is the best thing- whether she feels like it or not.
Surprising Treasure: Galations 6: You will always harvest what you plant. 8 Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
No sense any of us trying to be more spiritual than God. God promises rewards. I get the whole idea of doing things just because they are right and have intrinsic value, but God does not shy away from rewards, Why should we? His standards and methods have eternal purposes and His ways are not our ways, so no one should presume the rewards we give are always “perfect.” But in a pinch rewards work really well with most people! 🙂
Makes perfect sense! Wish I’d read this years ago….since mine are now 32, 29, and 22. Heck, it’s great for God and me now! What am I talking about?! 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to comment Julie- I don’t know if I did the subject justice. It’s too simplistic. It’s just that I was raised reaping a consequence for being bad but I don’t remember rewards for choosing good.
Bethany has flip flopped my thinking to celebrate life and good decisions more than I did with my other children.
Nothing beats SIMPLE! 🙂
I commented this morning, but it didn’t come up… 🙁 I cringed when I first started reading, but your calm calmed me and left me with a smile. Wish I had known all this when mine were growing up, too… but for now I know I can leave them in God’s hands and trust in the power of forgiveness and His faithfulness!!
loveyou!! ♥
Sweet Mid- I have purposely avoided blogging about discipline in all 300 previous posts- because its way too complicated!!!!
But after Bethany, I’ve come to believe we didn’t celebrate and reward good choices enough! hugs
Oh, my, your opening paragraphs had me chuckling over the never-ending surprises that Bethany provides for your contemplation. And, what a wise and gentle mama you are to know just the right tactic to motivate her into choosing the appropriate alternative.
I recall the response I got from even young boys at church when I showed them a stack of fresh one dollar bills, one of which they could claim to keep if they memorized the appropriate Bible verse about choosing what is right. I’d never seen such energetic desire to tackle the assignment! 🙂
You never cease to warm my heart with your stories and Scriptural applications, Cindy. I’m so glad you have this blog for us to enjoy and appreciate.
I’m smiling as I read your response. Never ending surprises! now that’s a great title!
I would have loved to see how quickly those boys learned their Bible Verse!
Hugs and blessings to you my sweet friend and sister! You are a fountain of encouragement to me!