The Tower of Babel via Genetic Engineering is rising again to the heavens.
People blindly come and worship at the scientific DNA altar as Doctors routinely pressure (cough- offer) prenatal testing to “help” parents make a decision about the desirability of keeping their offspring. (aka children)
Down Syndrome testing was an easy beginning place, because all you do is count chromosomes. Oops- one too many? Better throw it away and start over because everyone “knows” children with down syndrome are a burden – Not True! Most families surveyed say they’ve been blessed to have a child with down syndrome added to their family! Ask them!
(great read- Why is there Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome)
Then came gender testing! Widely used in China to systematically rid the womb and world of little girls, to pave the way for the society driven importance of male child. Gender Testing is now being pursued in America” when couples think they “need” a child of a certain gender.
Today I read about “ginger” testing. Isolating the gene that produces redheads! Seriously?! Did you know that some people actually want the choice to be able to get rid of their ginger babies?
[Tweet “Parents: New Proclivity #Genetic Testing predicts your #baby’s genetic code.”]
There is new, upcoming “Proclivity” Genetic Testing tests designed to suggest and predict what your baby’s genetic code “might” be saying. They will list all the possible genetic weakness- ie Alzheimer’s, homosexuality, alcoholism, cancer etc.
God help us!
What if they ever get Imperfect People Testing?
What if we devise an Imperfect Person test? or worse yet, what if we come to believe we are judge and jury of what is imperfect?
[Tweet “#Eugenics is #thriving through expanding #DNA testing. #danger”]
I can guarantee every person born will be born imperfect. Every life will hold some imperfect choices. Every one will fail at some point in their life. All bodies will age and become diseased and eventually all will die. All people are here today and gone tomorrow. Imperfect, broken people, needing a Redeemer and Savior to make them whole again. He deemed us worthy to save- despite our imperfections and flaws.
May God help us worship the Only perfect- Him
stop worshiping at the altar of perfection.
Surprising Treasures: The word “saved” struck me today. Maybe for other Christians, that word becomes routine! Think about it for a moment- According to His mercies- He saved us- saved- Not because of who we were but because we belonged to Him. He could have started over, thrown us away, aborted the whole lot of mankind, BUT He made a way to save us and deliver us from death and destruction unto Himself.
The url above is a two minute clip of a sermon where the pastor points out that the altar for happiness is what causes many of us to sacrifice greater values…
Great post Cindy. I love you so much!
love you too-
Holy goose bumps reading this one. My, my. I’d have never passed the perfection screening–a family history of addiction, my own bout with depression, and I have two autoimmune diseases, and skin cancer.
So sad what a quest for perfection can bring.
Beautifully written, Cindy.
Selective abortion is a “choice” I’ve known about my whole life- but when I read about the ginger gene-something inside me snapped. Sick to my stomach, I wonder when people will realize – we are all made in the image of God. Hugs my beautiful friend- I love your red hair and your precious spirit. I’m so glad you’re alive!
P.S My daughter and I volunteer at a pregnancy resource center. Amazing ministry!
I love that! Bethany and I went to volunteer at our pregnancy resource center. I was thinking she would love helping since she’s gaga about babies. But after folding diapers, sorting baby clothes, and organizing, she seemed disappointed. I asked her what was wrong? She said- I thought we were gonna get to hold babies! 🙂
So sweeeeeeeet! Bless her heart!! xoxo
What a slippery slope into the “master race” mentality! The one who comes to steal, kill and destroy, while still pursuing his grisly business, is a defeated foe. Praise the Lord! Keep on proclaiming God’s perfect Word, ’til all the world hears and sees and knows Him! Love you!
Slippery Slope indeed! You take that first step off His wisdom- and it’s downhill from there. I know that’s why so many people think Christians are unreasonable and narrow minded. Narrow is the way of LIFE- and broad is the road to destruction. If we don’t want to begin a journey that will end in destruction- we dare not step off the path of His Love. Love you too Edy!