Helplessly, I watched as my computer began to shut down. All the “necessary” windows I had open were closing- one by one- screeching my projects to a halt. The Word Documents also closed. Panicking, I wondered how much written material hadn’t been saved. I did not have time for this SHUTDOWN. How dare my computer decide it needed to reboot for updates!!!
I’m trying to see the bright side of this- I mean after a reboot- my computer does work better- quicker. 🙂
[Tweet “God makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He #restores my soul; “]
I hate even more when its not my computer, but my body and brain begin to shut down because of overload or much needed updates! Sometimes life surges and I begin to shut down. Do you ever have that happen to you? I hate the helpless feeling of being forced to shutdown all my “programs” and “projects” when I have too many “windows” open. I want to finish all my tasks- I want to shut down when I’m good and ready- thank you very much. In other words- I like to be in control AND I don’t like to have weaknesses or limitations.
[Tweet “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not yourself- #renewal #rest Ps. 37:7”]
Yesterday, I could feel a major shut down coming! Mine started as a headache. Anxiety built a skyscraper in my head as I realized I wasn’t going to be able to get everything done that I’d planned, and a feeling of helplessness began to overtake me. I knew my body/mind was saying- “enough already! I’m shutting you down. You need a reboot and some updates.”
I’ve always wished I dealt with life like a steamroller instead of a roller coaster. I mean, how cool would it be to just steamroll any problems that came my way? Some people seem like that’s how they roll :).
Not me, I’m hanging on tightly as the roller coaster of life dips and plunges, twists and turns.
I used to lament I was so “random abstract” or ADHD- or whatever the label is- all I know is, after trying to change myself, I’m still stuck with the person I’m ultimately wired to be. I usually am in process of reading 3 or 4 books at the same time. When I’m on the computer I tend to have at least 7 windows open at the same time so I can flit back and forth. Usually, I have 2 or 3 projects going on at the same time and my daily life is a balancing act; carefully trying not to drop any of the balls of responsibility I’m juggling. 🙂 That’s just the way I “work”. But too much is too much.
[Tweet “If you want renewal- cease from your labors, just as God did after creating the world.”]
I told the kids to hold down the fort, put on my pajamas and fell into bed at 5:00pm. Yep. I woke up once at 10:00 and fell back asleep until 6:30am!
As I laid in bed- head pounding, anxious thoughts swirling- I kept saying- Lord, I’m yours- I’m tired- hide me in Your secret place. Restore me. I’m resting in you.
And then came the thought-
maybe- if I took time to shut down sooner- slow my system down- quit having so many “windows” open- maybe, I wouldn’t be in a forced shutdown mode.
And you know what? The world didn’t fall apart even though I did 🙂
And God wants us to know
He is not overwhelmed
God is even in control of the Reboot!
In fact, He’s the one who designed our bodies with limitations.
[Tweet “A comforting truth: God is God- and I don’t have to be! #trust”]
Surprising Treasures: So today’s little nugget- after a complete 24 hour shutdown yesterday is this:
Matthew 11:28-30
The Message (MSG)
28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Oh, how I want to learn to live in the Unforced rhythms of grace!
I love this, Cindy. You’re so right about needing to reboot. If we did it regularly, we wouldn’t have that forced shutdown, would we? And better yet, we could probably avoid the inevitable “crash” that will result if we just keep piling things on our plate.
Thanks for sharing and putting such a great twist on this little treasure. I know so many people will relate to it.
Thanks Susan- I almost didn’t share it because it doesn’t seem “positive” somehow to talk about crashing 🙂 but the Treasure is- God understands and He’ll come alongside us and minister to us. Still working out some “kinks” in my system, but feeling much better after plain- simple- sleep, rest, and listening to some encouraging music! hugs- hope you have a wonderful weekend!
hugs Pam!
A couple of weeks ago it took a thunderstorm that knocked out power to force us to “unplug.” We sat in the dark with candles… Sang the songs of the Lord. Talked about Jesus… Laughed together with Bethany, Moriah, Johnny and Josh. I was kinda sad when the power came back on.
Kind of sad that we need storms to force us to unplug and reboot.
I love you so much Cindy. This post is excellent!
I love you too- but I really don’t like being “weak” or letting others down- 🙁
Don’tcha just hate when that happens! But, how I love the way you turn even disaster into many nuggets of God’s surprising treasure. This account has me spotting one nugget right after another, and making me chuckle as I recognize the truth you’re pointing out for us. I bet it’s a delight to be one of those who get to share you up close every day. Your scripture verse reminds me of my dad. He’d regularly add such a reference at the end of his postcards and letters. If you took the time to check it, you’d find a “secret” message. My favorite was always “Come away and rest awhile….” It told me he was lonesome and wanted a visit. How like our Heavenly Father! Thank you, once again, for a beautiful many-faceted gem, dear Cindy, gal after my own heart!
Awwww- I love that your Dad would send you “secret messages” Your Father sounds awesome! Life can sure get weary sometimes- and yet- He has filled us and blessed us with so much- hugs sweet sister 🙂
I had a shutdown day yesterday–and I felt so guilty! Went to a wedding shower in the a.m., fell asleep driving home (!), ran a couple of errands, picked up takeout for dinner, and came home and passed out in the recliner. Slept all afternoon, off and on through the evening (in the recliner), went to bed and slept until 9:00 this morning. I have no idea why. But I’m not sleepy this morning!
That “guilt” is a feeling I know oh so well. Why in the world can’t we grace ourselves when we’re tired???? I feel like I’m letting everyone down, failing, and all matter of negative things- Learning to live in His Grace and my own limitations 🙂 and its OK. hugs Serena- <3