Do I have a Treasure Chest full of JOY for you!! I’m excited to introduce a sweet sister in the Lord, Marie Wikle. We met on Twitter but, as it seems to happen on social media- when you meet fellow Christians- you’re immediately connected by the invisible cords of God’s love. She’s the founder of Spreading Joy ministries. Check out her blog and twitter site! She’s daily giving practical, easy ways to spread the Joy that Jesus gives us AND she encourages us in the JOY of our salvation. Here’s Marie! (and I love that she loves Reeces Peanut Butter Cups 🙂
guest post by Marie Wikle
We are dreamers. We dream of doing huge things, having wonderful things and simply “making it.” We have lofty goals and take radical steps towards reaching them. Then, when we realize that what we want may never happen or the dreams may never come true, we sit in disbelief and wonder what we could have done differently. Sometimes we even decide “what’s the use, IT just doesn’t matter anymore” and put ourselves in a “do nothing” mode. This should be a red flag to us, but often it’s not.
We’ve taken our eyes off the prize, we are letting discouragement win and we forget that little is much when God is in it. Our hearts scream of doing more when in reality we need to focus on our strengths and remain faithful to do those things. We set our eyes on the unattainable when our eyes should be on the ordinary items within our reach. Those ordinary items will be the little things that God uses to do amazing work for His glory; after all, our labor IS for His glory….right?
Have you given much thought to the little things that God used? When 5,000 men (not to mention women and children) needed to be fed, Jesus didn’t send word to the nearest palace to have their servants bring the biggest and best foods available. He didn’t break out the finest china and whip up a five course meal using the top chefs of the land. A young boy offered Jesus a small lunch of bread and fish that was just enough for this one little boy and Jesus took his willingness, blessed it and served a multitude with 12 baskets to spare.
I constantly remind myself and others, it’s not in what we offer the Lord, it’s THAT we give of ourselves, use our talents and be available to follow His lead, even if it means ignoring our own hopes and dreams.
[Tweet “It’s not WHAT we offer the Lord, it’s THAT we give of ourselves & use our talents for Him.”]
We focus on fears and failures when we should be focusing on the Father. We give in to our whiny selves and listen to that voice that says “why bother” when we should be faithful with the little things that God has entrusted us with.
Take some time to think about your talents and your strengths. Are you using those gifts for the Lord? Are you being faithful to what God has called you to do? We are all called to be edifying one another, are you building up others and encouraging them? Little is much when God is blessing it. You feel as though you don’t make a difference and even that you simply don’t matter, but you do. God looks at you through the eyes of compassion, longing for you to simply be faithful to do what you know is right in His eyes.
Little is much when God is in it – think about these little things:
· You spend time each day praising the Lord via Social Media. Your praise is picked up by someone half a world away who is discouraged, but your thankfulness has reminded them of a past blessing. They are encouraged and strengthened. They are praising God regularly now, due to your praise.
· You purchase the Bible study books but write in a regular notebook so you can pass along the book to someone else. You allow someone who is financially struggling to draw closer to the Lord. They draw closer, their family notices and someone else is hearing God’s tugging at their heart.
· You give your last $10.00 to a special offering or ministry focused on others. A child receives something that his/her parent had no hope of getting them. They grow up, remembering the kindness of strangers and make it their mission to help others.
· You leave a note for someone who seems a little bit down lately, telling them how special they are. They woke up crying tears of sorrow because they felt worthless, but later went to sleep, crying tears of joy because someone actually cares.
· You smile and nod at a passerby, not knowing that their day has left them wondering how things will ever get better. Your compassionate smile reminded them that there is hope and tomorrow will bring another day to try again.
If you feel like you don’t have much to give or wonder how you could possibly make it one more month, give your little bit to Jesus and let Him use it. Give your talents, abilities, finances or lack thereof to the Lord and tell him it’s His, to do what he wants to with it and then trust him.
Trust Him for the wisdom of the next step, for the power to make it through one more day and for the ability to make a huge difference with what He’s given you.
You were given the strengths, talents, insights and wisdom that you have for a reason. You can influence others that no one else can. You have the ability to shine and be Matthew 5:16 out loud for the Lord. Remaining faithful to the little things you can do now will have you in the habit of faithfully following and serving the Lord, so that when He gives us more to do, He knows, beyond doubt, that we will be faithful to complete it.
YOU simply need to be available and willing to do whatever it is….BIG or SMALL that God wants you to do. When you do, trust that HE will bless it and use it mightily. Trust that your faithfulness to listen to your heart will encourage others to do the same.
Trust that little is MUCH more than you can ever imagine – when GOD is in it.
Take stock in the ordinary resources you have around you. Get into the habit of spreading joy and making a difference with those resources and when more resources come your way, you’ll be faithful to make a difference with those as well.
Here are some ways to get you going:
50 Ways of Making a Difference without Spending a Penny
Need more still? Another 50 ways right here
Making a Difference is as Easy as ABC….
Her book – Spreading Joy Daily – has 365 Ideas to get you going in making a difference – DAILY! – 100% of the sales of this book, goes right back into helping others!
Have you ever been richly blessed by a little gift? Have you ever given your last little bit and saw how it was able to blossom into more than you ever imagined?
Share your story and/or link below and be an encouragement to someone who may have forgotten that little is MUCH when God is in it.
Have fun Spreading JOY!
About Marie Wikle:
Seeing through the eyes of compassion and understanding the heart that desires to have an impact, Marie encourages others to see the full potential of the everyday, ordinary resources that is right within their reach.
Everyone needs to make a difference and with creative thinking and a unique look at the ordinary, she shows people all over the world just how easy it is to make a difference.
Marie is available to speak to your ladies group, child’s classroom or any other social gather so that you can hear firsthand how to step up, lead the way in innovative thinking and see just how easy the ordinary items of daily living can be used to make a difference.
When you are Spreading Joy Daily – you’ll quickly see that there is no joy like Spreading Joy!
Contact Marie for more information via email at
Follow her encouraging tweets on twitter at
Find encouraging quotes and other motivations on facebook at
Please visit her site and be encouraged.
Have fun Spreading JOY and enjoy the little things that make life big!
Marie- You had my attention with the Reese’s. Wonderful post. If we understood how much God values our time, talents, and treasures we would share them much, much more than we do.
Love this! Instead of focusing on my “little”- I’m going to refocus on His MUCH!
@Jeff – aren’t Reeses just the greatest treat ever? the reason my smile is so big in that photo is because it was a gift from a middle schooler 🙂 most kids do NOT part with their reeses! We de-value our “little” when God wants to just use our ordinary-ness and do some great things! Have fun and enjoy a reeses for me!
@cindy I love how you put that! focus on HIS much! I know His much is soooo much more than I can ever imagine!
thank you both for taking the time to share your thoughts and encourage others in the process! thank you Cindy for allowing me to tell your readers about Spreading Joy!
thank you so much Marie~ I used to worry about what my “talents” were and if I was using them but that is the wrong focus. As I focus on His great love and His gifts- and we grow in love with Him- we can’t help but let His love and joy flow out through our lives to touch others! How can we not pay it forward- we who have been freely blessed with so much!?