What is it about most of us human beings that want to fill every empty space in our life with something?
When I’m hungry, I eat until I “feel” full! In my home, I fill blank walls with pictures, rooms with furniture, and couches with pillows so I can “feel” comfortable and cocooned. I fill my planner, calendars and schedule myt day full so I can “feel” productive. I fill my life with TV, radio, books, electronics to “feel” “entertained.”
In my effort to “fill” my emptiness, maybe I miss something beautiful?
[Tweet “Is the #clutter of life robbing us of God’s #presence and #peace?”]
Yesterday was a busy day- nothing new. You know the drill- a lot to do so keep going. The day was full. At 8:30, I was starting to end my day. I left our women’s Bible Study at church. As I was driving home, I planned to fill my next space of time with some “entertainment” time so I could “feel” relaxed and unwind before going to bed.
In the evenings, we start shutting down into our little “rituals”. I like to write and work on my blog, Bethany likes to watch “Jessie” on Netflex, Josh, Moriah, and Johnny like to watch a movie or show, and Jeff likes to read or watch History channel.
I like my ritual- I don’t want to deprive myself of my “down time” – ok- I’ll admit it- my “me” time.
It’s not that these things are “wrong” but I’m missing the important question: Is my “filling” fulfilling?
[Tweet “Are we being #fulfilled by how we’re #filling our life and time?”]
Anyhoo- I arrived to discover the earlier storm had knocked out the electricity for our whole neighborhood! Flickering candle light welcomed and beckoned me from our windows.
I have to admit my first thought was “BUMMER! No electricity means no computer or TV! I NEED time to relax. (grumble, grumble 🙂 )
The storm had “emptied” my evening plans and God was waiting to fill them in such a beautiful way.
The candlelight danced around the room. Josh was softly strummed the guitar while he and Moriah sang praise songs. Holy hush. Blessed Quietness. It was a “take off your shoes- it’s holy ground” moment. God’s presence literally saturated our home- palpable joy, saturating every nook and cranny. Our family sat for over an hour talking and singing, enjoying one another and being truly “filled”.
“This is what I really crave!” I mused- “Why don’t we do this more- on purpose?”
Electronics are such an easy way to fill our life. I mean, to be honest, it might sound weird to some people to pursue God time outside of church time. But to be truly filled- we need to make room for His presence.
[Tweet “God’s presence not only fills us, it fulfills us- for our empty is made to be filled by Him.”]
New Living Translation
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Wow! I got goosebumps reading this—and trust me, it’s NOT from the just-a-tad-bit-cooler weather this morning. (although that was a lovely, welcomed surprise!)
Thanks for always turning my eyes back in the right direction with your amazing treasures. You are indeed a true blessing.
Hugs to you this morning♥
Thank you Susan! Hugs back at you! Sometimes I can’t believe the lengths I go to fill my emptiness- but God is there continually- pouring out His love and Spirit to fill and continually fill. (I’m learning to choose His “filling”.)
It took a storm for us to have an empty space. The storm “unplugged” us. As a result, we plugged into the Lord’s presence and our empty space was filled with the Lord. It was wonderful.
love that you said “it took a storm for us to have an empty space” so true!
I like to think I’m insightful, but you blew me away, again, with this surprising treasure, Cindy! You’re so right, and I just never put my finger on it to express as you have done, how we work to fill emptiness, somehow, whether we find it full-filling or not! Something hiding just below the surface I now see out in the open. Thank you so much, my dear friend! Big hugs!
It’s so odd- I feel so “restless” sometimes and I think it really is this concept- I was thinking about the old song- like the woman at the well, I was seeking, for things that could not satisfy- and then I heard my Savior speaking, dry from my well- that never shall run dry! Fill my cup Lord, I lift it up Lord- come and quench this thirsting of my soul- bread of Heaven- feed me til I want no more- Here’s my cup- fill it up and make me whole.
(it always impressed me that when my mom was struggling with cancer- this was one of her favorite songs)
Possibly one of the sweetest posts ever, and the comments as well… I love this “full” space that leaves room for our beloved Savior!!
and I love you guys! ♥♥
awwwww- thanks Mid- my busyness and plans can crowd out Jesus time- you are precious to me sweet sister! thank you for taking time to comment 🙂