Is there anything more thrilling than God Authoring a Love Story?
Our daughter, Moriah, just got engaged!
Over the past year of dating, our family has observed, “tested”, evaluated, and subsequently embraced Johnny, as one of our own. 🙂 Kudos to Johnny- he not only approached Jeff and I to ask our blessing and permission but he met with ALL the siblings and their wives to seek their blessing.
Love has been born in two hearts that God will make one.
Our daughter-in-love, Sarah, dressed in her hunting camouflage at Johnny’s request, and strategically positioned herself in some bushes close to where Johnny was going to propose. With her stealth, patience, and zoom lens- she captured the moment when Moriah heard those infamous words, “Will you marry me?”
And now- Moriah is sparkling. The day before she was engaged, she was stressed because of school, tests, work, her car getting fixed. It’s amazing how a ring on the finger can loft one to a totally different plane of reality. 🙂 Circumstances haven’t changed. But her heart sings because her eyes are on her beloved.
A ring says- this relationship is more than friends. We are engaged; committed, exclusive, working toward a life of unity, serving the Lord together. We have forsaken all others. We only have desire for each other. Our love eclipses future shadows.
I am my beloved’s and He is mine.
Their joy and excitement has rekindled in me a bubbling joy. It reminds me when I got engaged; the happiness, the all consuming passion that drove my days. The hours daydreaming and planning, not only our wedding but our future life together.
“I can’t wait to be Jeff’s wife.” “I can’t wait to be married- to live LIFE together.” and “No more goodbyes- our home will be each other.”
Our love overshadowed everything else. My heart was fully engaged to my beloved.
And that is to be our heart with the Lover of our soul.
He is our beloved and He has asked us to be His. We are engaged Much more is ahead! I want my passions and joy to be wrapped up in contemplating our future! I want His love to overshadow everything else in my life. I want my heart fully engaged to my Beloved. I want my heart to sing because my eyes are upon my Him- the One who loves me most.
For He is coming- and the day will come- when our Love will make us completely His! He will cover us completely, eternally vowing His devotion and care. Our wedding will be beyond what we can imagine- His love will embrace us forever as His own.
Until then- let’s remain- fully engaged.
Surprising Treasure: Hosea 2:19 And I will make you my promised bride forever.
I will be good and fair;I will show you my love and mercy.
They are a beautiful couple Cindy!! Congratulations to all. It’s such an exciting time.
Joy in our journey! celebrating His goodness!
Cindy and I are so happy for Moriah and Johnny. When a man and woman decide to honor their love and respect for each other and glorify God in marriage–that marriage becomes an awesome and prophetic expression of the unity and beauty of the Trinity.
What a beautiful expression of love on their faces! Thanks for sharing this touching moment with us. I love the joy and happiness and promise in their eyes.
What a great way to help me refocus on that other, most important, engagement. I pledge to focus on the promise of His love and our life together for eternity, in Him and through Him.
Have a blessed day, Cindy.
Sisters in Christ <
What a beautiful pledge Susan! 🙂 When I remember we are “betrothed” to God- such an old fashioned word- n these days, perhaps it better signifies the serious commitment and vow of an eternal covenant. Blessings to you sweet Susan!
Thank you for sharing. I am so happy for them and for your family. They are a beautiful couple. It must be so wonderful seeing your children so happy and in love. I would like to hear sometime how you nutured a healthy relationship between you and your children as they became adults. As a mother of a pre schooler I wonder how I am going to keep her heart for us and for God. How do you keep them from rebelling. Any advise or tips you can share would be appreciated. You have a beautiful family. I very much remember how much you were in love with Jeff during your courtship.
Sweet Sheryl,
God is so amazing good and full of tender mercies! You can ask my kids and we’d all agree- we’ve had our rocky times. I had to learn to let go and not ” control ” my kids. It was difficult for me to transition being “over” them to coming along side of them- to cheer and encourage. BUT IT IS SO WORTH IT! The more I nurtured their love for the Lord, tried to focus that they were accountable to Him for their lives- not me or Jeff- the more I saw them transferring their identity to Him. And I will say this- I learned- I cannot keep my children from rebelling. 🙁 God gave us free will- and even though He is the perfect Father- His children rebel all the time. So I pray God will help me put it in perspective and commit them to the Everlasting Father who is wiser than I, is with them when I can’t be, and can reach into their hearts and minds- (something I’ve never learned to do.) It really comes down to helping your children FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS! He is the Author and the Finisher of our Faith!!!!
“Congratulations” isn’t a big enough word to express how happy I am for all of you, especially the darling couple. They have tapped into that bottomless reservoir of God’s love pouring through them for each other. And, to think the best is yet to be. What splendor! Hugs all around from me to you. 🙂
Thank you so much Edy! I love rejoicing in what God is doing! I love what you said, “they’ve tapped into the bottomless reservoir of God’s love pouring through them for each other.” so wonderful!
What a day of rejoicing it will be! I loved reading this and meeting your precious Moriah and Johnny!!! And how you came full circle with the Wedding.
Just so thrilled for your whole family! They are so cute together!!!! So much love shining all over them. May God bless them.
On one hand I’m so excited for them- on the other hand- I can’t believe my baby girl is getting married! Where did the time go??? Thanks for sharing our joy Julie! 🙂 hugs