Always put your hope in God. Hosea 12:6
I hope I don’t get cancer……I hope my marriage gets better…….I hope I find love…….I hope I get a better job……I hope I ace this test………I hope I make lots of money…….I hope I don’t get Alzheimers…..I hope I don’t have a child with special needs.
Some big news has come out in the scientific and medical realm! Click on the following two links for amazing news in “curing” down syndrome.
in Ireland a new drug is being tested which seems to reverse damaging effects of brain plaques in a person with down syndrome.
These articles are fascinating! Wow! In my lifetime? Wouldn’t that be amazing? Beyond wonderful! I rejoice in these discoveries. But my ultimate hope does not rest in anyone finding a cure for anything.
For every “cure” we find is temporary. Everyone is aging; slowly disintegrating on a cellular level. Death is coming for us all.
But that truly is good news because God has made a way for us to be cured! Completely. We’re not going to stay in our present, broken, state! WOOOHOOOO!
There is permanent cure coming
– abundant life freely given-
new imperishable bodies reserved for us by our Creator & Maker-
He sent His Son to rescue us from this perishing world- and perishing body- and perishing mind.
II Corinthians 15:54
When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.”
My Hope is in God! He alone has the permanent cure for our human condition!
Hope in God! He alone has the power to eradicate disease and death- everything that would diminish us to less than what He created us to be!
Always Hope in God! He alone has promised to make all things new and bring everything back under His dominion.
So while I get excited about scientific breakthroughs- and medical advances- and cures- and treatments to end or diminish suffering-
[Tweet “I get UBER EXCITED about the Permanent Cure promised by our Creator!”]
My ultimate “never to be disappointed” Hope is in Him!!!
Surprising Treasures: Our hope is built on nothing less- than Jesus Christ and His righteousness.
An eternal perspective is the Christian perspective. I love you so much!
No matter how great life gets- its going to be even better when God’s restoration plan is fully engaged! 🙂
Good news all the time! By His stripes we are healed – forevermore. And, we can still thank the Lord for giving researchers the insights to ease the distractions of this life at the same time. He has our back. And, underneath are the everlasting arms. He has us covered, coming and going. Whoop-de-doo, for sure! 🙂
He has us coming and going- for sure. 🙂 I’m just so thankful there is coming THAT DAY! and thankful we live in today and not hundreds of years ago without as much medical understanding 🙂