Celebrating 33 Years of TREASURE
(re-posted on our 36th celebration)
To my life song with Jesus- my beloved husband and friend,
We go together like:
peanut butter & chocolate, like a wink & a smile, like a wave & the ocean, like copy & paste, like melody & harmony, like cookies and milk.
Through the years I’ve thought of us as Adventurers in Life;
Problem Solvers,
Until I started writing this tribute! 🙂 – I never have thought of ourselves as Salmon- yes I said salmon- lol,
Salmon swimming upstream- yup- that’s what our marriage has felt like in so many ways.
We wanted to be God-followers which to us meant counter-cultural.Â
[Tweet “Following Jesus in our culture is like salmon swimming upstream. #fortitude”]
Our life verse-
Oh magnify, the Lord with me,
and let US exalt His name together.
I’ll never forget when we chose that verse to be our core – our compass- our confession!
We’ve always had plenty of ZING- you know the fireworks and sparks- 😉
But the thing that has soldered us together, melding us into His purposes for marriage-
is His mission and calling for our lives.
[Tweet “A 3-fold cord is not easily broken. #marriage #strength”]
We believe(d) that we could exalt
and lift up His name better-
TOGETHER than apart.
I remember deciding together that we wanted to do things God’s way- or at least the way we thought He was telling us to do them! LOL-
I’m glad there aren’t things like a crystal ball that tell us exactly what are future holds or surely we would have trembled. But taking each day, hand in hand, following our Leader, has been an adventure beyond belief.
I remember, we raised quite a few eyebrows when we had Sarah Joy 10 months after we got married! Didn’t we know???? we were supposed to wait a few years to have kids?
I remember people started explaining birth control and we shocked them into golden silence when announced we were going to let God plan our family and we actually wanted as many as He would bless us with!
That was the best decision of our life! Â
I remember being “called” into the ministry. When we got married, I didn’t know I’d be a Pastor’s wife.
I admired your passion to serve God, in spite of the fact that your Dad thought you were wasting your education and told you/us we could be earning 4 times as much as we were getting paid, we gladly forged ahead- in agreement- that ministry was the life we wanted to live together!Â
We learned what was treasure in our life- and it wasn’t money. Thirty-three years of serving Him beside you has killed me in such a good way. 🙂 Ministry does that you know! I wouldn’t want to go back and do any of it over but I wouldn’t change a thing!
[Tweet “If u cling to your #life, u will lose it; but if u give up your life 4 Me, u will find it. #Jesus”]
I remember when we chose to home school! (and we won’t even talk about having our home births 😉 ) Another counter cultural thing at the time 🙂
It would have been so much easier to do what everyone else was doing
but we wanted to raise our children for God’s glory and were convinced home schooling would facilitate this.
Thank you. my Knight, for the times you rescued me; on the days I wanted to pull my hair out, the days I would fight migraines, or my overwhelmed “I don’t know if I can do this days”.Â
I know we didn’t do it all “perfectly”, but somehow we muddled our way through with His help and now we have grown children who love and follow God, are well educated, serve others, and have become our best friends in the journey of life! It doesn’t get any better than that!
[Tweet “I have no greater #joy than to see my #children walking in the #truth. #family”]
We’ve laughed a lot, cried buckets, dated always and grown together.
We’ve had little and have abounded.
We’ve walked through sickness and health- the valley of death- fears and anxiety- the very testing of our faith!
We’ve walked through the fire of cancer in our child and were catapulted into the land of Special Needs.
We’ve parented and now we’re GRANDparenting- our burning desire to tell the goodness of the Lord from generation to generation.
We’ve raised quite a few eyebrows, babe- but I wouldn’t change a thing.
Well- I would kiss you more and worry less!
[Tweet “Count your #blessings- not your worries. #celebrate #life”]
Getting back to the salmon illustration- just to clarify and assure you-
I know the analogy breaks down because salmon swim upstream to spawn and then they die.Â
Not us!
We’re ever swimming onward and upwards toward His beautiful River of Life that flows from the very throne of God!
We’ve raised quite a few eyebrows babe- but I wouldn’t change a thing.
Well- I would kiss you more and worry less! Me too.
Salmon swimming upstream- yup- that’s what our marriage has felt like in so many ways.
We wanted to be God-followers which to us meant counter-cultural.
Our life verse-
Oh magnify, the Lord with me,
and let US exalt His name together.
I’ll never forget when we chose that verse to be our core – our compass- our confession!
I love you so much. Thank you for saying yes!
The Author of the universe writes the best life sagas…and His love stories are beyond compare! Happy Anniversary, you two precious people. Love and hugs, Edy
Agreed! God writes so many beautiful stories! Thank you so much for the Anniversary wishes! Love you Edy!
Dear Cindy and Jeff,
My heart was warmed by your story of your life of love. Beautiful! Oh that more would live their lives as unto the Lord instead of as unto man. Bravo, that you were willing to do things your way.
Thank you for all the work and care you give to CCC. Carl and I are so glad to have joined the body of Christ here at CCC and are asking God to show us what he would have us contribute to it’s spiritual health and welfare as we are fed and grow.
Happy Anniversary. We have our 50th wedding celebration next year. Imagine that.
My love, Earleen Snider
Thank you Earleen! I want to help celebrate (or do anything I can to help) your 50th next year! Woooohooo! What a testimony! You and Carl are such a blessing and we’re so excited you’re part of our CCC family! You have so much wisdom and spiritual gifts to share! hugs
33 years is a long time together, and I’m praying for 50 more! We need you guys around to teach us young couples how to be different in the sight of men. We love you both so much! Its always an amazing comfort to know that my parents madly love each other. Thank you for your example of a Godly marriage, and may God continue to bless you for it.
Awwww- thank you Micah and Adi- We love you so much too! We do love each other madly- but I always want to share with people “emotions” and the “zing” come and go- It’s only God’s agape love that glues a marriage together-
And I remember when……(fill in so many blanks). Seriously, I am really happy for you both. I regret not keeping in touch better as I believe we had a lot to share over the years. Love you,
LOL- God keeps writing a better and better story! I regret we haven’t talked more too- but being over the halfway mark- I’m realizing the best is yet to come and we’re going to have a lot of great times in eternity! hugs sweet friend!
So precious! Happy Anniversary Cindy and Jeff! I’m so grateful God allowed our paths to cross in cyber-space. You are wonderful blessings in my life and the lives of so many others.
Joy-filled blessings to you both!
Me too Lisa! How awesome it is that the body of Christ is just waiting for God to connect us- in unity, prayer, love, encouragement, and brotherhood! So happy to know you sweet sister!
This still speaks… Jesus our story… Jesus our song…